Greenland Southside Integrated Pipe System Water Project

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule

Anticipated Start Date: 2024-02-12
Anticipated End Date: 2026-04-30

Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.*

*In some circumstances, extended hours and weekends may be required. Note: There will be times when 24-hour work operations will be required. JEA will notify residents prior to overnight work. 

Project Objective

A contractor working for JEA (Garney Construction) is continuing work on the third and final phase of an overall project to construct a new water transmission pipeline between two major water treatment grids located in JEA’s Duval County service territory. This project will allow JEA the ability to transport excess water supply from the north side of the St. Johns River to the south side of the river to better meet increased potable water demand in the southerly portion of the JEA service area.

Once the new water transmission line is constructed and placed on-line, it will result in a direct offset of water withdrawal from the South Grid. When completed, this project will promote conservation of the Floridian aquifer by lessening JEA's water resource withdrawal demand from its southern raw water well fields.

This third and final phase of the project involves the installation of approximately 41,200 feet of 30-inch ductile iron water main from the JEA electric easement at the end of Validus Drive to the Greenland Water Treatment Plant on Philips Hwy (US 1).

Construction Conditions

Construction will occur in City and State rights-of-way and easements, and within the electric transmission line easement(s) located near homes and businesses. For the safety of crews and the general public, temporary road closures and detours will be required while work progresses along the project route. During the course of this work, access to your residences and businesses will be maintained.  JEA will send emails to notify residents directly impacted by these temporary road closures and detours in advance.  

Contractor Weekend Work - Edison East & Glenmont Drive

Residents in the Edison East community may notice contractor activity this weekend as crews continue their work to prepare for the installation of a new 36-inch HDPE water line. This work is taking place within the easement located on the opposite side of the retention pond, south of 9704 Filament Boulevard.

Estimated Completion Date: March 17, 2025*

Overall Project Completion Date: April 2026*
*Dates are highly subject to change.

Anticipated Start Date: March 17, 2025*
Estimated Completion Date: March 21, 2025*
*Dates are highly subject to change.

Equipment deliveries are scheduled for the week of March 17, 2025. During this time, multiple semi-trailers will be intermittently staged along Glenmont Drive. The contractor will manage traffic flow to ensure safe passage for motorists. Please follow all posted signs and directions from on-site personnel.  

We apologize for any noise disruptions and appreciate the community’s patience as we complete this phase of the project.  

Overall Project Area Map

SIPS 3 Overall Project

Planned Water Outages

Some customers may experience minor interruptions to their water service. JEA will notify customers at least 48-hours prior to any planned water outages. 

Restoration of the Project Area

Restoration of the project area will begin soon after the project has been completed. Any existing grass, sprinklers, pavement, curb, gutter, driveways and/or sidewalks affected during construction will be returned to its pre-construction condition. 

Progress Photos

SIPS Drone Photo