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- Riverview - Septic Tank Phase Out Project
Riverview - Septic Tank Phase Out Project

Project Objective
The City of Jacksonville, working in partnership with JEA, is initiating a program designed to eliminate failing septic systems. The intent of this program is to improve the quality of life in the Jacksonville community and reduce the amount of harmful nutrients that often find their way into the St. Johns River and other local waterways.
This program, jointly funded by the City of Jacksonville and JEA, involves the installation of new sewer and water infrastructure where none currently exist in the City's opened and maintained rights-of-way. It will also include proper abandonment of existing septic tanks, and the installation of individual sewer and water lines on private property and connection to the new JEA sewer and water systems. Utilities installed under this program will include payment of all associated permits and fees associated with sewer and water connection at no cost to the property owner.
Eligible property owners are required to complete a Temporary Construction Easement (TCE) form allowing JEA and its contractors to perform the work on private property to abandon the septic tank(s) and connect the home or business to the new sewer (and water, where applicable) system.
JEA will manage the outreach, engineering and construction of the project and operate and maintain the sewer and water systems once they are installed. The JEA account holder at the time of connection will be responsible for the monthly water and sewer bill.
Note: Only one water/sewer connection per parcel is included in this project (parcels are identified with a unique Real Estate number assigned by the Duval County Property Appraiser). Unimproved properties (properties with their own individual Real Estate number and without a structure at time of project construction) or without a septic tank will have a water and sewer service (stub out) installed in the right-of-way for future connection at the property owner’s expense.
Let's work together to phase out failing septic tanks, Jacksonville!
70% Owner Approval Required
For the project to move forward, the City of Jacksonville requires the consent of at least 70% of the legal property owners identified within the project limits.
Eligible property owners must complete a Temporary Construction Easement (TCE)
allowing JEA and our contractor to perform work on private property to abandon the septic tank(s) and connect the home or business to the new JEA water and sewer lines.
Unimproved properties (properties with their own individual Real Estate
number and without a structure) or without a septic tank at the time of project design will have a sewer service (and water, if applicable) installed in the right-of-way for future connection at the property owner’s expense.
JEA will manage
the construction of the project and operate and maintain the water and sewer systems once they are installed. The JEA account holder will be responsible for the monthly sewer bill (in addition to their monthly JEA electric and water bill).
the 70% participation threshold is reached, any property owners that do not sign up for the program will be responsible for any future connection costs should the septic system fail. Failure to connect will result in a $21.15 monthly charge for sewer
system availability.
Letters will be mailed to eligible property owners notifying them that their property is located within the eligible neighborhood along with postcard and email invitations to informational town meetings.
Property Owner Participation Progress
Current Owner Approval Percentage - 54%
Project Area Map & Phases
Due to the large size of this project, the public outreach has been separated into two separate phases (Riverview East and West). Property owners located in these phases will receive an invitation by email and postcard to a town meeting dedicated to each individual outreach phase and are eligible to sign up for the program at any time by contacting JEA.
Should this project move forward, engineering and design will dictate future phasing of this project for construction.
To zoom in on map, Control + Arrow Up
*Note: The project boundary depicted below is subject to change.

Riverview Public Meetings
City Council Members Reggie Gaffney, Jr., Ju’Coby Pittman, the City of Jacksonville and JEA have hosted two (2) informational public "kick-off" meetings to discuss the Riverview West Septic Tank Phase Out Project on February 15th and August 8th, 2024.
NOTE: Only property owners in the Riverview West phase of the future project have been invited to this meeting.
The purpose of this meeting is to provide the opportunity to learn more about the project and to answer any questions or concerns property owners may have. There will be a brief presentation, followed by time for questions, answers and public comment.
- FSCJ North Campus Auditorium
4501 Capper Road
Thursday, August 8, 2024
6:30 p.m.
Current Septic Tank Issues
Anyone currently having issues with their septic system is highly encouraged to make the necessary repairs, as physical connections to the JEA system as part of this program will not occur for several months after initial construction begins.
City of Jacksonville Utility Tap In Program
The Utility Tap-In Program (UTIP) offers deferred payment loans to assist low- to moderate-income residents citywide with water and sewer line connection fees, associated plumbing costs and septic tank, drain field and well repairs or replacement. Learn more about UTIP.
Helpful Resources
Even Better Power Reliability
JEA's state-of-the-art technology identifies customers and neighborhoods in need of electric reliability improvements.
If you have any questions about the Riverview - Septic Tank Phase Out Project, please contact JEA Project Outreach at (904) 665-7500 or email us at projectoutreach@jea.com.