Payment Arrangement FAQs


JEA payment arrangements are designed to help you stay connected to the energy and water services you depend on every day. If you’ve never set up a payment arrangement with JEA, or it’s been a while since your last one, here is some helpful information to help you get started.

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Closed Title:What is a payment arrangement?
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A payment arrangement is a flexible payment option that lets you pay your JEA balance over a series of monthly installments. The installment amount is then added to future monthly bills. 

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Closed Title:Am I eligible for a payment arrangement?
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Visit your account to find out if you're eligible, determine the required down payment amount, and apply online. 

Sign in and apply for a payment arrangement

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Closed Title:How are payment arrangements and payment extensions alike? How are they different?
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Payment arrangements and payment extensions both give you extra time to pay your JEA balance. They’re interest- and fee-free and require an application, either online or by phone. Enrollment is subject to several factors, including payment history, age of past-due debt, and service status.


There are also significant differences between payment extensions and payment arrangements. A payment extension moves back your due date, while a payment arrangement offers much longer terms, up to 12 months, to pay a past-due balance over monthly installments. Payment arrangements also require a down payment equal to one-third of your last bill’s outstanding balance.

It’s also important to note that a customer cannot have a payment arrangement and payment extension at the same time, or multiple payment extensions and/or arrangements.

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Closed Title:How do I know how much my installments are each month?
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If you are approved for a payment arrangement online, you will see the number of installments and the monthly installment amount on the confirmation screen. If you apply by phone, your JEA Customer Advisor will provide you these details. All customers will get an email with the payment arrangement terms.


If you get a paper bill, Payment Arrangement details appear in a box in the top-right corner of the first page. If you view your bill at, they appear under Manage My Account.

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Closed Title:How do payment arrangements change my regular monthly balance due?
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With a payment arrangement, you pay your regular monthly balance and your payment arrangement installment at the same time by your regular monthly due date. 

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Closed Title:What happens if I’m late paying my payment arrangement?
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It’s very important to stay current with your payments, especially when you are enrolled in a payment arrangement. A missed payment will make your entire account balance due in full immediately. If not paid in full, it could lead to service disconnection.

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Closed Title:How can I pay for my payment arrangement?
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You can pay your monthly balance, including payment arrangement installment, using any of our convenient payment options. It’s important to note that for scheduled payments, the payment due date you choose must be at least one business day before the due date.  

Make a payment now

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Closed Title:Can I pay off my payment arrangement early?
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Yes, you can pay more than your payment arrangement installment amount or pay it in full at any time without penalty. Paying off your payment arrangement makes you eligible to enroll in new payment arrangements and extensions should you need them in the future.

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Closed Title:Can I change the terms of my payment arrangement after I’m approved?
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No. We cannot change payment arrangement terms except in the case of water leaks or other unintentional consumption.

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Closed Title:Do you charge a fee or interest for a payment arrangement?
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No. JEA payment arrangements do not include fees, interest, or late fees related to the payment arrangement balance. Keep in mind that standard late fees may apply for newly billed balances not included in the payment arrangement amount.

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