Other Events in Workshops

JSEB Workshop: Landscape & Sod Sheltered Opportunity

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Event Information

  • Thursday, December 20, 2018
    Add to Calendar
  • 03:00 p.m.  to  05:00 p.m.
  • JEA Customer Center Building, Bid Office, First Floor
    21 W. Church Street Jacksonville, FL 32202

JEA is hosting a workshop for Jacksonville Small & Emerging Business (JSEB) vendors that can provide grounds maintenance and landscaping services. The workshop is to educate vendors about a sheltered bid opportunity opening in January 2019.

** RSVP for this workshop at jsebprogram@jea.com. **

JEA is hosting a workshop for Jacksonville Small & Emerging Business (JSEB) vendors that can provide grounds maintenance and landscaping services in preparation for a sheltered bid opportunity opening in January 2019. This workshop is designed to educate JSEB vendors on the scope of work, minimum qualifications and expectations for this project. Please come out and meet the Project Managers and learn more about this opportunity!


Landscape & Sod JSEB Sheltered Opportunity


Scope of Work:

  • In the course of operating and maintaining the electric system, water and wastewater collection and distribution system, JEA sometimes disturbs existing landscape and sod. Bids will be accepted from qualified vendors for the restoration for sod in Municipal, City, County and FDOT rights of way and easements. This work may also include hydro seeding, fill placement, moderate compacting, and removal and hauling of site debris and extra fill to another site. The vendor shall have cell phones for each of its crew member in the field. The work will be bid on a lump sum, fixed price basis, in accordance with the specification outlined within the solicitation.
  • Tickets performed under this contract are volumetric in nature, typically over 1,000 tickets per year and may be small square footage jobs, as few as 10 square feet and as large as or larger than 500 square feet per ticket and can include backfilling, water meter box installation and seeding.



  • Work will be JEA service territory on north and west side of St. Johns River. Also includes parts of Nassau and Clay counties.


Minimum Qualifications:

  • Certified Jacksonville Small and Emerging Business (JSEB)
  • Successfully installed 120,000 S.F. of sod in Municipal, City, County or FDOT right of way or private owners in the last 5 years ending March 1, 2018. Bidder may aggregate up to a max of 5 separate contracts that contain sod installation to meet these requirements.