Water Sustainability

JEA plans 20-plus years ahead for water supply management, infrastructure renewal and replacement, and growth. As Northeast Florida continues to attract new businesses and residents, JEA will continue to promote conservation and implement reuse projects to safeguard critical water resources well into the future.

Purified Water

JEA provides an estimated 404,000 customers with over 120 million gallons of safe, high-quality drinking water every day. And while we have plenty of water right now, a growing population and economy will increase demand in the future.

There are several possible solutions for ensuring a sustainable water supply in the future. While JEA has already implemented robust conservation initiatives and an expansive reclaimed water system for irrigation purposes, one promising approach is purified reclaimed water.

Learn more about JEA's H2.0 Purified Water Program

Integrated Water Resources Plan

As an industry leader, JEA has long embraced the concept of One Water and the principles of Integrated Water Resources Management. Knowing that water is part of an interconnected system and water resources are maximized by implementing multipurpose projects, in 2019 JEA began developing an Integrated Water Resources Plan (IWRP) along with a comprehensive Water Demand-Side Management (DSM) Strategy for water conservation. The final report was published in April 2021.

Executive Summary

Final Report