Formal Procurement Opportunities


Formal solicitations include procurement purchases of goods or services estimated to cost more than $300,000. JEA purchases are made through a competitive bidding process. If you are interested in a particular solicitation please view specifications below. To get additional information regarding a solicitation, please use the links below to register to be added to our mailing list.

View Informal Procurement Opportunities ($50,000 - $300,000)

JEA Upcoming Water/Wastewater Procurement Opportunities

JEA Upcoming Electric Procurement Opportunities

JEA Upcoming Operational Support Procurement Opportunities

JEA Upcoming Professional Services

JEA Upcoming Capital Facilities Opportunities

JEA Upcoming Operations & Maintenance Facilities and Fleet Opportunities

JEA Upcoming Technology and Customer Service Procurement Opportunities

JEA Upcoming Facilities Capital Opportunities

All bid openings are held on Tuesdays at 2:00 p.m. via online WebEx platform (unless otherwise noted). Bids/Responses are to only be delivered electronically via link provided. Use the REQUEST A SUBMISSION LINK located under each bid to receive a unique, password-protected link. 

Please allow up to 24 hours to receive a Submission Link. An automated, detailed auditing system provides sealed bid integrity.

Responses are due by 12:00 noon on the designated date prior to bid opening at 2:00 p.m.

Instructions for attending the WebEx bid opening may be found under Upcoming Important Dates on the Procurement Page.

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1411963846 (IFB) JEA Fulton Cut Bulk Material Package

JEA will be modifying six 230kV transmission circuits to increase clearances over the St. Johns River in Jacksonville, FL to provide access for Post-Panamax class shipping JaxPort. The project is comprised of six (6) PyraMax towers, and twelve (12) monopole structures to be installed among the six circuits. Additionally, the project requires modification of the distribution within the project sites that need the FAA lighting systems. Both overhead and underground distribution primary and secondary will be required. New FAA lighting systems will be installed on new structures.

· New transmission conductor will be 1033.5 ACCS/TW-C7 Ocala Type 16 by others.
· Existing conductors include 1590 ACSR Falcon and 954 ACSR Cardinal by others.
· New OPGW will be 72-count SMF by others.
· Existing OHGW include 3#6 AW by others.
· New insulators will be toughened glass.
· New distribution overhead conductor will be 1/0 AAAC Primary & Neutral
· New distribution underground cable will be 1/0, 28kV Single Conductor AL

A more detailed description of the Work is provided in the Technical Specifications included as an Exhibit to this Solicitation.


Response Due Date: April 15, 2025


1411959646 (RFP) Industrial Painting and Coating Services FY25

The purpose of this solicitation is to evaluate and select a vendor to provide Industrial Painting and Coating Services as described in this Solicitation (the "Work") and to determine the best method for JEA to procure the Work with regards to pricing, quality, design, and workmanship.

The Contract will be structured in a “Time and Materials” format. The painting and coating applications will include surface preparation of various substrates in accordance with this specification. In addition, supplemental painting and/or coating specifications developed by JEA’s Engineering/Maintenance Department or from the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) will accompany each project. For each project, Contractor shall provide material submittals for JEA review. All submittals must be approved by JEA prior to commencing work. 

The scope of work will include, but not be restricted to: Furnish labor, equipment, tools, expendables, and miscellaneous supplies to properly paint and apply coatings to designated plant assets. Additionally, the Contractor will supply all paint and coatings for items. Items that are to be painted or coated shall include structural steel, tanks, ladders, handrails, pumps, motors, piping, etc., 


Response Due Date: April 15, 2025


1411956446 (RFP) Antiscalant and Reverse Osmosis for H2.0 Purification Center

JEA’s Purification Program receives public access reuse water as a source of supply and utilizes both reverse osmosis and membrane filtration as multi barriers in the treatment process. The H2.0 Purification Center will be the first of several Advanced Water Treatment Facilities constructed within the H2.0 Purification. JEA is seeking a statement of qualifications and proposals in response to this RFP from qualified vendors for the supply and delivery of the annual supply of antiscalants, operator training, and membrane services (e.g., destructive autopsies, membrane cartridge filter analysis, and destructive cleaning studies with reports to include proposed Clean-In Place Chemicals for reverse osmosis and microfiltration system recovery). Bids must comply with each condition listed within this scope to be determined valid.


Mandatory Pre-Response Meeting: March 28, 2025, at 11:00 AM

Response Due Date: April 29, 2025


1411846048 Market Test for Long-Term Firm, Dispatchable Capacity and Energy Resources

JEA seeks Responses (the “Solicitation) to provide firm, dispatchable capacity and associated energy to help meet projected customer peak demands (plus reserve margin requirements) and energy requirements beginning in 2030. The Solicitation is supported by JEA’s long-term resource planning process, which indicates that JEA’s system will benefit from efficient, flexible, intermediate generation through the addition of an advanced-class combined-cycle facility. This addition would allow for the efficient utilization of natural gas while providing the JEA system with operational flexibility and dispatchability to reliably integrate increasing amounts of intermittent solar energy.

In the 2023 Integrated Resource Plan1, JEA identified the need for a flexible combined-cycle generation resource. JEA’s range for dispatchable net delivered capacity via this RFP is 525MW to 700MW. Though higher capacity options can be proposed, the proposal must include the cost of system upgrades and services needed to meet reliability and backup regulatory requirements relative to the loss of a single unit for the capacity exceeding 700MW. For the purpose of this requirement, a unit is defined as either 1) the rating of a single generator supplying the proposed capacity, or 2) the aggregated rating of all generators for interrelated CT(s) and ST(s) that make up a CCCT unit supplying the proposed capacity.

Responses are required to offer resources that provide firm capacity to contribute to meeting JEA’s peak demand as well as meeting JEA’s requirement for dispatch flexibility. Flexible capacity allows JEA to meet its energy requirements, including the ability to operate the resource as needed to support the integration of intermittent solar energy. Proposed resources are required to be available beginning on or before December 31, 2030.

JEA will evaluate all resource alternatives submitted, that comply with the requirements of this Solicitation, relative to a self-build resource. Unless a preferred resource alternative is identified through this Solicitation, JEA anticipates pursuing the development of the self-build option. Appendix A - Self-Build Option Information provides additional information regarding JEA’s self-build option.

It is anticipated that the generation technology having the highest likelihood of success as an alternative to the self-build option will be an advanced-class combined cycle technology resource, with operating parameters that include the ability to operate in baseload and load-following roles across the full unit load range. As part of any Response, regardless of technology, JEA must have sole rights to unit commitment and de-commitment, that includes dynamic scheduling (e.g., automatic generation control (“AGC”)). All Responses must be for a commercially-proven technology, meaning a technology that has a documented track record of being used in one or more commercial power projects (excluding proof-of-concept or prototype-piloting projects), has demonstrated successful operations, and is still in service.

While JEA’s resource planning process has identified a dual-fuel, advanced-class combined cycle as the preferred technology, other dispatchable technologies are not prohibited from being proposed in response to this Solicitation.


Mandatory Pre-Response Meeting: November 4, 2024

Mandatory Pre-Response Meeting: November 18, 2024

Mandatory Pre-Response Meeting: December 02, 2024

Solicitation Due Date: March 4, 2025

Solicitation Due Date: April 21, 2025


1411952647 (IFB) Purchase and Installation of Emergency Generators for Water/Wastewater - FY26

The purpose of this Solicitation is to obtain generator supply and installation services (the “Work”) at various locations provided in the Appendix A - Bid Workbook for lift stations throughout JEA’s service territory (Duval, St. Johns, and Nassau counties).

The Contractor shall furnish equipment, install, and test a complete, self-contained, automatic standby emergency generator system as specified herein and according to established JEA Standards ( , ) as a design-build. Contractor(s) shall submit Engineered Drawings to JEA for approval. The self-contained emergency electric system shall consist of an electric generating unit, which upon interruption of normal power from transformer, will start automatically and, by an automatic transfer switch, will disconnect load from normal supply and connect load to emergency generator. Diesel engine driven electric generator set shall be of the latest commercial type and design with all necessary switchgear, and controls. Contractor shall furnish fuel tank, sound attenuated aluminum generator set enclosure, and all accessories necessary for a complete and operable installation. All materials shall be new unless specifically called for otherwise.

The following local dealers have been prequalified to supply back-up generator equipment:  

  • Ring Power Corporation
  • Cummins Power South, LLC
  • Zabatt Inc.
  • Generac


Mandatory Pre-Response Meeting: March 31, 2025 at 8:00 AM

Mandatory Site Visits: March 31, 2025

Response Due Date: April 15, 2025


1411928848 (RFP) General Engineering Services for Pipeline Projects and Studies

JEA is soliciting qualifications for professional design and engineering services for water, sewer and reclaimed water projects with a pipe diameter of less than sixteen (16) inches and manhole inspection services. The work is generally described as performing engineering and design services as requested from time to time by JEA for water, sewer and reclaimed water projects for which the estimated construction cost of each individual Task Order does not exceed limits set for continuing contracts as set forth in Florida Statutes Section 287.055, known as the Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA), as amended from time to time.

The scope for specific projects may include, but are not limited to:
• Surveys
• Geotechnical investigations
• Detailed design and engineering including hydraulic calculations
• Drawings
• Specifications
• Bid document preparation
• All permitting activities and applications for construction
• Real estate easements (temporary and permanent)
• Maintenance of traffic plans
• Other utility coordination; and
• Coordination with state and local agencies including but not limited to COJ, FDOT, JTA, etc.
• Inspect manholes (no entry) and grade condition according to industry standards as directed by JEA
• Document manhole inspections as directed by JEA
• Perform pipe stoppage inspections as directed by JEA

Not every project will include all aspects listed. A separate scope description will be issued individually for each project. The contract will be for three (3) years with two (2) optional one (1) year renewals.


2nd Pre-Response Meeting: March 25, 2025 at 01:00 PM Eastern

Response Due Date: March 4, 2025

Response Due Date: April 15, 2025


1411960247 (RFP) JEA NGS N00 Material Handling Heavy Equipment Purchase

JEA is seeking a vendor to provide a total of 8 pieces of equipment (FY2025 ends Sept. 30, 2025, FY2026 starts Oct. 1, 2025) (FY2028 Oct.1, 2027 – Sept.30, 2028) which include Four (4) large front-end wheel loaders (2 in FY 2025 and 2 in FY 2028), One (1) bulldozer (FY 2028), One (1) track excavator (FY 2026), and Two (2) small front-end wheel loader (1 in FY 2026, 1 in 2027) The equipment shall meet the performance requirements, safety requirements, technical specifications, warranty/service requirements, and seller qualifications detailed herein. The large front-end loaders, bulldozer, small front-end loader, and track excavator shall be new. Each shall be furnished completely assembled, fully serviced, and ready for immediate operation. For duplicate equipment being provided (i.e., large front-end wheel loaders), each unit shall be furnished with identical equipment, options, and features listed below. Exceptions, clarifications, and deviations to the specifications herein shall be clearly identified in the Seller’s bid documentation. All documentation shall be provided in US customary units. Preferred (Typical) manufacturers and models are listed in the table below. Alternative models that meet specific requirements shall be considered by the Purchaser.

A more detailed description of the Work is provided in the Technical Specifications included as an Exhibit to this Solicitation.


Mandatory Pre-Response Meeting: March 24, 2025 at 3:00 PM

Response Due Date: April 8, 2025


1411939049 (IFB) Influent Piping Modifications for Mandarin Water Reclamation Facility

The purpose of 1411939049 - Influent Piping Modifications for Mandarin Water Reclamation Facility (this "Solicitation") is to evaluate and select a vendor to provide construction services for a multi-phased pipeline project to allow diversion of raw sewage from an existing Influent Pipe Station directly to an Influent Structure as described in this Solicitation (the "Work"), and to determine the best method for JEA to procure the Work with regards to pricing, quality, design, and workmanship.


Mandatory Pre-Response Meeting: March 11, 2025 at 3:00 PM

Mandatory Site Visit: March 25, 2025 at 10:00 AM

Response Due Date: April 8, 2025


1411940446 (RFP) Purchase of JEA's Former Headquarters Campus

JEA will accept Responses (“Responses”) for the purchase and development of JEA’s former Headquarters (“Former HQ”). Respondents shall be required to document their experience and success in similar development projects which may include downtown, urban core redevelopment, or adaptive reuse development. Responses may be selected for negotiation and awarded based on the selection criteria described below. The decision to approve  a purchase and sale agreement will be made by the JEA Board. JEA staff will negotiate a purchase and sale agreement with the highest ranked respondent based on the recommendation of the evaluation committee. Respondents will be required to coordinate with JEA, the City of Jacksonville (“City”), the City’s Downtown Investment Authority (“DIA”) and other regulatory bodies, as necessary, to develop the Former HQ in a manner that best serves the community’s interests.  


Solicitation Due Date: April 8, 2025


1411952446 (ITN) Concrete Manholes for JEA Inventory FY25

The purpose of this Invitation to Negotiate (The ITN) is to evaluate and select a vendor that can provide concrete manholes and provide the best value to JEA as described in this Solicitation (the "Work") and to determine the best method for JEA to procure the Work with regards to pricing, quality, design, and workmanship.



Response Due Date: April 1, 2025


1411946446 (IFB) Mandarin WRF High Mast Replacement

The purpose of this solicitation for Mandarin WRF High Mast Replacement (this "Solicitation") is to select a supplier to remove and replace high masts located at Mandarin Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) as described in this Solicitation (the "Work") and to determine the best method for JEA to procure the Work with regard to pricing, quality, and workmanship. Current high masts located at Mandarin WRF are the originals installed in 1994. Mast are 30 years old and no longer meet current Building Code. Masts need to be replaced to incorporate safer operation and meet current CAT wind requirements in latest Florida Building Codes. The supplier shall remove the five (5) exiting high masts and their foundations, disconnect the circuits from the existing high mast poles, and modify the wiring thru the new ground boxes to the new 70’ poles as follows:


        1. Pole #1 MCC1-P126 Influent Pump Station

        2. Pole #2 MCC2-P226 Blower & Power Generating Building

        3. Pole #3 MCC7-P701 Internal Recycle Pump Station

        4. Pole #4 MCC4-P415 RAS/WAS Pump Station

        5. Pole #5 MCC4-P416 RAS/WAS Pump Station 


Solicitation Due Date: April 1, 2025


1411870246 (IFB) Bulk Chemical Supplier and Servicer of Granular Activated Carbon (GAC)

The purpose of this solicitation for Bulk Chemical Supplier and Servicer of Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) (this "Solicitation") is to evaluate and select a vendor to supply GAC media and perform GAC changeouts for the H2.0 purification program for total trihalomethane (TTHM) control as described in this Solicitation (the "Work"), and to determine the best method for JEA to procure the Work with regards to pricing, quality, design, and workmanship.


Mandatory Pre-Response Meeting: March 11, 2025 at 10:00 AM

Response Due Date: April 1, 2025


1411378247 (RFP) Brandy Branch Generating Station Turbine Parts Warehouse Construction

JEA is soliciting Proposals for a contractor to complete Brandy Branch Generating Station Turbine Parts Warehouse Construction. (the “Work”)
Construct a 100'x125' PEMB warehouse to store capital spare turbine parts per the specifications, drawings, etc. provided herein. Contractor will be required to perform all aspects of construction project including civil, structural, electrical, plumbing and fire protection associated with new building. Contractor shall have experience performing construction in a power generation facility.
Additional information can be found in Appendix A - Technical Specifications.


Bid Due Date: ON HOLD


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