Real Estate Services
JEA's Real Estate team is responsible for the acquisition, disposition and management of all JEA real property. JEA Real Estate Services houses all real property documents, such as deeds, easements, leases, and licenses.
Any and all real estate related inquires can be directed to one of our team members by emailing

Use of JEA Property
JEA is an independent authority that provides electric, water, sewer an other utility services to approximately one million people in Jacksonville and the surrounding communities. JEA's utility systems include power plants and electric substations that are connected by thousands of miles of electric transmission and distribution lines, and artesian wells and water and sewer treatment facilities which are connected by thousands of miles of water distribution and sewer collection lines.
Our systems are located within a combination of public right-of-way, real estate owned completely by JEA, and JEA easements over the property of other landowners. Upon request, JEA will consider allowing compatible third-party uses of JEA property and landowner uses of JEA rights-of-way and easements when:
- Safety is ensured;
- Utility system integrity is protected and access is unobstructed;
- Community and customers will be not be adversely affected;
- and JEA is not exposed to liability for allowing the uses.
For more specific information and to initiate a review, please download the JEA Real Property Application .
Developer Initiated - Easement and Plat Review
JEA Real Estate Services reviews all deeds, easements or plats submitted to JEA as part of a new development. This review ensures that JEA receives the appropriate real property rights in order to maintain its utility infrastructure. Before service is provided, all real property documents must be approved by JEA Real Estate and recorded in the public records of the appropriate county.
Items required by JEA to approve any deed, easement or plat can be found in the JEA Conveyance Checklist. When preparing a plat, the standard approved dedication language can be found in the following document: JEA Standard Plat Language. When granting an easement, please use JEA's standard easement forms. Please contact JEA Real Estate Services to coordinate the preparation, drafting and review of all easements with the appropriate parties and legal counsel.
Real Estate Services Procurement Directive
JEA’s Real Estate Services Procurement Directive supplements JEA’s Procurement Code to provide JEA staff the authority to make timely procurement commitments to effectively participate in these markets. It is the policy of JEA to acquire, manage, and dispose of interests in real or personal property for utilities system use and expansion or for other uses in an expeditious and economical manner and at minimal risk.
Explore Solutions and Save
Learn about all the ways JEA helps Northeast Florida families, businesses and our community thrive and how we can help you do more.
Related Links
Corporate Headquarters
JEA continues to plan for the development of a new headquarters building which would replace its current Downtown Jacksonville headquarters at 21 West Church Street. The new headquarters will help JEA realize its mission, to provide the best service by becoming the center of its customers’ energy and water experience.
Claim Resolution
Find frequently asked questions about filing a claim with JEA.