
JEA Cross Connection Control

JEA’s Cross Connection Control Program is mandated by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to safeguard the drinking water supply from contamination. Cross connections can occur anywhere the public water supply is connected to any other water source. These cross connections pose a hazard if water that has been delivered from a different source enters the public water supply. Cross connections can also occur if water delivered from the JEA line contacts chemicals or other pollutants. Backflow events can return this polluted and/or untreated water to the drinking water system.

Residential Cross Connection Control and Backflow Prevention


Backflow is the flow of water from a customer’s water system into the public water supply. Backflow may be caused by backsiphonage (lowered pressure on JEA’s side) or back pressure (higher pressure on the customer’s side).
Residential Backflow Preventer
A backflow preventer is a mechanical device that prevents water from entering the public water supply.

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Florida Administrative Code requires backflow preventers to prevent cross connections

62-555.360 Cross-Connection Control for Public Water Systems.

  1. Cross-connections, as defined in Rule 62-550.200, F.A.C., are prohibited unless appropriate backflow protection is provided to prevent backflow through the cross-connection into the public water system. Appropriate backflow protection for various applications is described in Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control: AWWA Manual M14, Third Edition.
  2. Each community water system (CWS) shall establish and implement a cross-connection control program utilizing backflow protection at or for service connections from the CWS in order to protect the CWS from contamination caused by cross-connections on customers’ premises.
  3. Upon discovery of a prohibited or inappropriately protected cross-connection, public water systems either shall ensure that the cross-connection is eliminated, shall ensure that appropriate backflow protection is installed to prevent backflow into the public water system, or shall discontinue water service 
Residential Backflow Preventer

B-1.02 Causes of Backflow

The causes of backflow are not usually eliminated completely since backflow is often initiated by accident or unexpected circumstances. However, some causes of backflow can be partially controlled by good design and informed maintenance. Listed below are the major causes of backflow as outlined under the two types: backsiphonage and backpressure. 

  1. Backsiphonage - is caused by reduced or negative pressure being created in the supply piping. The principal causes of backsiphonage are: 
    a) Line repair or break lower than a service point. This will only allow negative pressures to be created by water trying to flow to a lower point in the system. 
    b) Undersized piping - if water is withdrawn from a pipe at a very high velocity, the pressure in the pipe is reduced and the pressure differential created can cause water to flow into the pipe from a contaminated source. 
    c) Lowered pressure in water main due to high water withdrawal rate such as fire fighting, water main flushing, or water main breaks. 
    d) Reduced main pressure on suction side of a booster pump. 
  2. Backpressure - may cause backflow to occur where a potable water system is connected to a non-potable system of piping, and the pressure in the non-potable system exceeds that in the potable system. The principal causes of back pressure are: 
    a) Booster pump systems designed without backflow prevention assemblies.
    b) Potable water connections to boilers and other pressure systems without backflow prevention assemblies.
    c) Connections with another system which may, at times, have higher pressure. 
    d) Water stored in tanks or plumbing systems which, by virtue of their elevation, would create head sufficient to cause backflow if pressure were lowered in the public system. 

B-2 Responsibilities

B-2.01 Cross-Connection Control Program

Residential Backflow Preventer

The responsibilities of JEA's cross-connection control program in accordance with State Law Chapter 62-555, FAC are as follows:

  1. To protect JEA's public water supply from the possibility of contamination by isolating within its consumers' private water systems, contaminants or pollutants which could, under adverse conditions, backflow through uncontrolled cross-connections into the public water system. 
  2. To eliminate or control existing cross-connections, actual or potential, between the consumer on site potable water system(s) (i.e. well) and non-potable water system(s) plumbing fixtures, and industrial piping systems. 
  3. To provide a continuing inspection program, or cross-connection control, which will systematically and effectively control all actual or potential cross-connecting which may be installed in the future. 

B-2.02 Customers

The customers' responsibility starts at the point of delivery from the public potable water system and includes all of their water systems. The customer, at their own expense, shall install, operate, test and maintain approved backflow prevention assemblies, as directed by JEA. The customer shall maintain accurate records of tests and repairs made to backflow prevention assemblies and provide JEA with copies of such records. The records shall be on forms approved by JEA. 

In event of accidental pollution or contamination of the public or consumers' potable water system due to backflow on or from customer's premises, the owner shall promptly take steps to confine further spread of pollution or contamination within the customer's premises, and shall immediately notify JEA of the hazard. 

Residential Backflow Preventer

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