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This application is for vendors to become pre-approved to submit proposals on specific engineering and permitting projects. Vendors must first become approved Qualified Proposers and meet minimum QPL qualifications.
Step 1: Company Information
Please select company type:
*What is your work history with JEA?
*Has any officer/partner of your organization ever done business with JEA under another name or ever been pre-qualified under another name?
If applicable, describe your company's apprenticeship program related to the trade/craft required for this QPL type of work.
Step 2: JEA Bid Solicitation Information
We understand that our company must submit this application for JEA Qualified Proposers List (QPL) in order to be considered for qualification for the QPL categories we have indicated on this application. We understand that we may view a listing of the application online or contact the Bid Office at (904) 665-6740. We understand that such inclusion on the QPL is a requirement in order for us to be eligible to bid on work in the QPL categories and have our bids opened and evaluated.
If we are submitting this application in response to a solicitation for a specific project, we understand that our documentation must be received by your office by the stipulated date in the Solicitation (normally 21 days prior to bid due date) and that failure to submit all the required forms and substantiating information may result in further requests for information with resulting delays in the evaluation process and possible exclusion from the bid opening for the specified project. We have annotated below the JEA Bid Solicitation Information.
View Formal Procurement Opportunities
View Informal Procurement Opportunities
Step 3: Work Experience
Please provide the following information for one project you have completed within the last 5 years for this category. You may submit additional documentation by attaching after submission
[+] Add Project
At JEA, we maintain a list of prospective proposers for supplies and services. These lists are subdivided into 12 categories based on type of supplies, services or other relevant criteria which allows JEA to efficiently identify qualified bidders and obtain bids for services purchased with high frequency.
At JEA, all bidders have an equal and fair opportunity to participate in our bid process. We have several applications for prospective bidders. When completing the application, please specify which categories you wish to apply for.