Energy Saving Tips for Your Business

Business Storefronts

Running a business is hard work. Cutting costs and increasing productivity is often on the top of every business’ to-do list. Click on the links below to find ways for your business to invest in efficiency upgrades to help you save on your utility bill each month. 

Heating and Cooling   

If your central air conditioning unit is more than 12 years old, replacing it with an ENERGY STAR certified model could cut your cooling costs by 30%. Find more tips like these, as well as savings on heating and cooling equipment from ENERGY STAR.
Save on Heating and Cooling with ENERGY STAR

Office Equipment Savings

Small changes can add up to big savings. ENERGY STAR's® office equipment program promotes energy-efficient computers, monitors, printers, fax machines, scanners, copiers and multi-function devices that automatically power down during extended inactivity. Energy saving of 50 percent or more is possible. 
View ENERGY STAR Office Equipment and Savings Tips

Commercial Rebates

If you are interested in investing in your business’ efficiency, check out our JEA Commercial Rebates to help lower your start-up cost.  
Commercial Rebates

Small Business Savings

Are you a small business owner, operator, or employee looking for ways to increase energy efficiency in your facility? ENERGY STAR offers planning guides for implementing cost-effective energy improvement projects for your business.
View ENERGY STAR for Small Business

General Services Demand (GSD) and Industrial (IND) Savings

If your electric bill is based on the General Services Demand (GSD) and Industrial (IND) rate, you have a unique opportunity to manage your costs by limiting your demand for power consumption.
Lower Your Demand, Lower Your Bill

Involve Your Employees in Energy and Water Savings

Educate and encourage employees to be energy-conscious and to offer ideas about how energy can be saved. Employee buy-in and involvement can make or break your company's efforts to conserve energy.

Designate a "responsible party" to promote good energy practices for the organization and/or facility. This individual should work with management to facilitate energy savings ideas and strategies - optimizing energy use and costs minimizes overhead and operation costs.

Rebates for Business

JEA wants to help business customers save money while having a positive impact on the Jacksonville environment. That’s why we provide rebates to encourage the use of efficient commercial equipment and to make upgrades more affordable for our customers.

Learn More