Online Self-Service

Sign up now or learn more about all the benefits available to you below.
Billing and Payment Self-Service
- Pay online with your bank account or credit/debit card. You can even schedule a payment for set-it-and-forget-it convenience.
Online Bill Pay - Your bill is always available to viewed in your account in a mobile-friendly layout, whether you are signed up for eBill or traditional mailed billing.
View Your Bill -
Need more time? You can request an extension online in seconds.
Request an Extension - Cut down on the clutter and simplify your life with JEA eBill. You’ll help make the world a little greener, too.
Enroll in eBill - View your last 24 bills online. This comes in handy when you want to compare your consumption from year to year. You can also see how your usage fluctuates throughout the months and helps you plan your budget.
Billing History
Your Online Account Dashboard
- View your daily consumption and see how it correlates with the weather. Knowing the correlation will help you control your bill.
View the Usage Graph with Weather - If you have an online account, you can report an outage or service issue directly from your computer or smartphone. Your notice goes straight to the person who needs to see it and it is a lot faster than a phone call.
Outage Reporting - With an online account you can update your account information such as: your email address, phone number(s) or billing address at any time.
Update Your Account Information - Moving soon? You have enough to worry about. You can accomplish all these actions online on your own time.
Add, Move, or Stop Service
Sign up to receive an email or text when your consumption or your bill pay amount reaches a certain level. Several studies have shown that consumers who monitor their usage closely use less utilities than consumers who don’t.
Learn More About Alerts
My JEA Utility Tracker
My JEA Utility Tracker helps you track your daily electric and water consumption and provides savings tips specific to your home. Find out which appliances use the most energy or water so that you can make better decisions, compare usage from month to
month, and follow how much you owe every day of the billing cycle.
Learn More About My JEA Utility Tracker
Linked Accounts
You can now link multiple JEA accounts in one online account, making paying bills and tracking your usage so much easier.
Learn More About Linked Accounts
Explore Solutions and Save
Learn about all the ways JEA helps Northeast Florida families, businesses and our community thrive and how we can help you do more.
Related Links
Residential Account Policies and Forms
Check out some helpful forms and policies for residential customers.
Commercial Forms and Policies
Helpful forms and policies for commercial customers
Guest Pay
Using JEA's Guest Pay option is simple! With Guest Pay, credit and debit card payments can be made to any account by simply entering a valid JEA account number.