Before Starting Your Renewable Generation System

Customers who purchase a renewable generation system for their home or business and wish to connect it to JEA’s power grid must apply for the Distributed Generation Program and follow certain steps to ensure the safety and reliability of the customer and the electric grid.

For More Information About the Program:

Before Starting Your System

Once your renewable generation system has been installed and the electrical connections have been completed, the following steps will need to be taken before starting your system:

  • Confirm that your electric contractor has notified the appropriate permit office for your system to be inspected.
  • After the electric work is inspected and approved, the permit office will send JEA an official notification. JEA will not proceed until we receive that notification.
  • A JEA engineer will conduct an inspection of the system’s interconnection to ensure that all safety precautions have been met to keep JEA crews and equipment safe. 
  • Once the permit inspections are complete and the interconnection has been inspected and approved, a JEA meter technician will install a dual register meter that will track both the energy you send to and pull from the grid. The system will then be ready for use and the customer may turn it on.

IMPORTANT: Turning on a newly installed system prior to inspection puts JEA employees at great risk. If this occurs, JEA will discontinue electrical service to the location until the system is disconnected from the grid. Once a JEA meter service representative has inspected the installation and determined that all safety precautions have been met, the system can be reconnected to the grid and will be ready for use.

What to Expect

Once your system is up and running, you will begin generating electricity. If the system generates more electricity than your home needs at any given moment, the excess will automatically be sent to JEA’s grid. Since your system cannot generate electricity during all hours of the day, you will also need to pull electricity from JEA’s grid. Your meter will track this exchange of electricity, providing the necessary information to calculate your monthly bill. 

Click here to see what your JEA bill will look like after your system is operational.


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