Employee Giving
JEA employees are proud to work and live in the communities we serve. We are committed to what we do because many employees are also JEA customers, and because we embody a strong culture of giving.
Employees at JEA also volunteer their time to a variety of community organizations.
Learn about Employee Volunteering
Employee Fundraising
At JEA, we’re building community because its our community. This is just one of the reasons our employees raise funds for organizations such as United Way and Creating Healthier Communities.
Organizations are welcome to support JEA employee fundraising campaigns through various sponsorship opportunities. To learn more about how you can support these fundraising events, contact campaign manager Von Fuller at fullvj@jea.com.
United Way Employee Campaign
Since 1924, United Way of Northeast Florida has been the leading organization serving the First Coast, improving the lives of one of every three Northeast Florida residents, by addressing today’s immediate and basic needs while also working toward implementing long-term solutions.
JEA began hosting United Way employee campaigns more than 20 years ago. JEA employees have raised over $8 million through employee pledge contributions, donated vacation and safety leave time, as well as funds raised at special events coordinated by our employees. For more information about United Way and their local agencies, please visit United Way of Northeast Florida.
Creating Healthier Communities Employee Campaign
Creating Healthier Communities of Florida represents over 60 health charities in our state. Creating Healthier Communities provides patient aid, educational resources and community outreach through member health charities.
In 2018, JEA employees raised more than $85,000 for Creating Healthier Communities through employee pledge contributions, donated vacation time, and funds raised at special events like our annual CHC Walk. For more information about Creating Healthier Communities and their health agencies, please visit Creating Healthier Communities.

Employee Collection Drives
Throughout the year, JEA hosts various employee collection drives to help our neighbors in need. The collected items include food, diapers, blankets, clothing, disaster relief materials and school items. All the items collected benefit local non-profit organizations.
Back to School Drive
JEA employees team up to help students start the school year by donating backpacks, calculators, notebooks and paper. The employees were on-site to help distribute the items at an annual “Back to School” event.
Holiday Food Drive
The holidays is a special time to reach out to our neighbors in need. Each year, JEA employees donate canned and non-perishable food items to non-profit centers that provide services to homeless veterans.
Adopt a Family for the Holidays
JEA employees love sharing the spirit of giving by adopting families for the holidays. Our employees purchase toys, bikes and games to help fulfill gift wish lists for families across the First Coast.
Winter Coat and Blanket Drive
JEA employees donate coats and blankets to help local shelters keep their customers warm during the winter months.
Explore Solutions and Save
Learn about all the ways JEA helps Northeast Florida families, businesses and our community thrive and how we can help you do more.
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Our Partners
Many groups and individuals in Northeast Florida are working to educate the community on environmental issues. Since we have similar goals, JEA forms partnerships with, and sometimes financially supports, many local and regional groups.
- Employee Volunteering