Our Electric Generation Strategy
JEA’s generation capacity is approximately 3,000 megawatts (MW). Our 2024 generation fleet contains a diverse resource mix that includes 61% natural gas; with the remaining generation coming from coal and petroleum. We also supply our energy mix with 19% purchased power, 9% nuclear power and 4% renewables from solar and other sources. In all, about 12.8 million MWh energy was produced for our customers in FY23.

Our Electric Business
JEA’s diverse electric generation fleet allows us to fine-tune our generation strategy based on the price of natural gas, petcoke or coal. This agility helps keep prices low for our customers.
Learn About Our Generation Strategy
JEA owns or co-owns five electric generation facilities, including renewable energy sources.
Become Familiar with JEA's Electric Facilities
The Energy Authority (TEA) provides public power utilities with access to advanced resources and technology systems so they can respond competitively in the changing energy markets.
Learn About TEA
JEA is one of 35 nationally and one of four in the state of Florida to receive the Diamond RP3 designation for our electric reliability efforts.
Learn How We Earn RP3 Designation
Electric Safety
Many of our employees work in dangerous jobs, around electricity and at industrial facilities. We take electric safety seriously and we want you to, as well.
Get Electric Safety Tips for Your Home
Explore Solutions and Save
Learn about all the ways JEA helps Northeast Florida families, businesses and our community thrive and how we can help you do more.
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Electric Facilities
JEA operates five power plant sites in Jacksonville, has an ownership interest in a power plant in Georgia, and purchases power locally from a solar field and a landfill gas facility. Diversity in fuel mix is very important in providing reliable, economical and environmentally-sound electricity.
Electric Safety
We take electric safety seriously and we want you to, as well. We hope the information here will help you enjoy the benefits of reliable electricity safely both inside and outside the home.