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- Beverly Hills (East) Septic Tank Phase Out Project
Beverly Hills (East) Septic Tank Phase Out Project

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule
Anticipated End Date: 2024-11-30
Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.*
*In some circumstances, evenings and weekends may be required.
Project Objective
In partnership with the City of Jacksonville, a contractor working for JEA (J. B. Coxwell Contracting, Inc.) is continuing work to install new water and sanitary sewer lines as part of the Beverly Hills East Septic Tank Phase Out project. The intent of this project is to improve the quality of life in the area while also helping to reduce the amount of harmful nutrients that can often find their way into the St. Johns River and other local waterways.
This project, jointly funded by the City of Jacksonville (COJ) and JEA, involves the installation of new sanitary sewer infrastructure in the City’s rights-of-way and easements, proper abandonment of existing septic tank(s), and the installation and connection of new sewer lines on private property. JEA will also be replacing and upgrading the existing water system in the COJ right-of-way (not private property) while the new sewer system is installed.
All JEA connection fees and associated permit fees will be paid for by the program at no cost to the property owner. If you are a property owner in this project area and know that you have a separate grey water system (water used for washing only) please call JEA Project Outreach at (904) 665-7500 so that we can make plans to abandon and tie in this system at the same time.
Unimproved properties (properties without a structure at the time of construction) or without a septic tank will have a sewer service installed in the right-of-way for future connection at the property owner’s expense.
Eligible property owners must complete a Temporary Construction Easement (TCE) form allowing JEA and our contractor permission to perform work on your private property to abandon the septic tank(s) and connect the home or business to the new JEA sewer lines. If you have not already completed the documents necessary to participate in the program, please contact JEA Project Outreach at 665-7500 or projectoutreach@jea.com.
JEA is managing construction of the project, and will operate and maintain the water and sewer systems once they are installed. The JEA account holder for the property will be responsible for the monthly sewer and water bill once connection has been made at the end of the construction project.
Note: Only one water/sewer connection per parcel is included in this project (parcels are identified with a unique Real Estate number assigned by the Duval County Property Appraiser). Unimproved properties (properties with their own individual Real Estate number and without a structure at time of project construction) or without a septic tank will have a water and sewer service (stub out) installed in the right-of-way for future connection at the property owner’s expense.
Construction Conditions
Construction is being completed in multiple phases, which will allow the contractor to control active work areas while completing restoration in other areas of the project. Construction of the new sanitary sewer pump station at the corner of Ribault Scenic Drive and Breton Road continues and should be substantially completed in the next few months.
During installation of the new water lines, roads will have limited access while the new sewer and water infrastructure is installed. Sections of driveways, curbs, sidewalks and grass will be removed and replaced following the installation and testing/clearance of the new water and sewer lines.
The contractor will make every effort to have driveways accessible during the early morning, evening hours and weekends. In some cases this may not be possible due to construction conditions. Residents will be notified in advance by the contractor to allow for removal or relocation of vehicles prior to any work that may temporarily block a driveway. This will usually occur during regular work hours (Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.).
If you require special assistance during this time, please contact JEA Project Outreach at 665-7500 so that arrangements can be made for you.
Once the water and sewer lines are installed and cleared for use, JEA will notify you prior to licensed plumbers coming on your property to abandon your septic tank and connect you to the new water and sewer systems.
Temporary Intersection Closure - December 10, 2024 to December 12, 2024
JEA contractor crews (JB Coxwell) will be working to repair a sanitary sewer manhole near the intersection of Palmdale Street and Smyrna Street as part of the Beverly Hills East Septic Tank Phase Out Project.
For the safety of our crews and the public, JEA crews will be required to temporarily close and detour traffic at the intersection of Palmdale Street and Smyrna Street while crews complete this work. Please see the work area and detour map below.
Anticipated Start Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Estimated Completion Date: Wednesday, December 11, 2024
*Dates are highly subject to change.
Residents will be provided access to their driveways and will be permitted to drive (with caution) through the work area. Driveways may be temporarily blocked during the day during construction. Crews will notify residents by knocking on the door prior to blocking any driveway. Please observe all construction signs, detours, and general directions provided by the crews working on-site.
For the safety of our crews, dewatering pumps to remove ground water may be required prior to excavation. If required, these pump systems will operate continuously throughout the project.
This work will not affect your normal water, sewer, and/or electric service. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused by this construction work.
Plumbing Notice
In the next few weeks, a licensed plumber will continue the process of installing the new sewer lines on private properties in order to connect the properties to the JEA lines located in front of homes. This work is being completed at no cost to the property owner.
The connection process will be done in multiple phases. Please note, this entire process will take place over several weeks once the plumber starts work at your property:
1.) First, the plumber will install the private sewer lines that will run from your home or business to the new JEA sewer connection point located in the City right-of-way.
2.) Next, the plumber will transfer your sewer services from the old sewer lines that run from your septic system, to the new JEA sewer lines.
3.) There will be a brief interruption to your sewer service while the home or business is transferred from your septic tank to the new sewer lines.
4.) The plumber will knock on doors to notify occupants prior to these brief outages.
5.) The plumber will return at a later date to pump out, crush and properly abandon the septic tank(s) on your property.
6.) The contractor will then complete restoration of your yard, returning the area disturbed during construction back to preconstruction (original) conditions. Final restoration may occur several weeks after the connection work.
7.) JEA will start billing the property account holder for sewer services once the home or business is connected.
NOTE: If you know you have a separate grey water system (water used for washing only) please notify us so that we can make plans to abandon and tie in this system at the same time.
Project Boundary Map
Public Town Meeting - October 19, 2022
City Council Member Ju’Coby Pittman, the City of Jacksonville and JEA held a pre-construction kick-off meeting to discuss plans for the Beverly Hills East Septic Tank Phase Out Project. This meeting provided residents the opportunity to learn more about the project and can be expected during construction. There was a brief presentation followed by time for question, answers and public comment.
This meeting was held at the Jean Ribault High School Auditorium located at 3701 Winton Drive on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
Property owners that have not completed the required documents can still contact JEA to participate.
If you have additional questions regarding this project or to sign up for the program, please contact JEA Project Outreach at 904-665-7500 or projectoutreach@jea.com.
Restoration of the Project Area
Restoration of the project area will begin after the new sewer and water lines have been installed, tested and cleared for use. Upon completion of the project, any areas disturbed by construction will be returned to their pre-construction condition.
Progress Photos
If you have any questions about the Beverly Hills (East) Septic Tank Phase Out Project, please contact JEA Project Outreach at (904) 665-7500 or email us at projectoutreach@jea.com.