Indigo Drive Sewer Pump Station Construction Project

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule

Anticipated Start Date: 2022-07-01
Anticipated End Date: 2023-08-04

Monday through Friday, 7:00. a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Note: Start and completion dates are highly subject to change, and in some circumstances, extended hours and weekends may be required.

Project Objective

At the request of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), a contractor working for JEA (Ardurrane Engineering) was in your area constructing the Indigo Drive sewer pump station at the corner of Emerson Street and Indigo Drive. The existing pump station, located on Copper Circle East and Drum Street, had neared the end of its useful service life and was demolished to allow for FDOT’s installation of a new sound barrier wall as part of their I-95 widening project. The new Indigo Drive pump station will ensure the reliability of the sewer system that serves your neighborhood and accommodate future growth in the area.     


This work included construction of a new pump station building with necessary valving and piping at the station, installation of new sanitary sewer gravity and force main lines, connection of the newly installed sewer lines into the existing adjacent manhole and demolition of the Copper Circle sewer pump station once the Indigo Drive pump station has been, tested and cleared for use.  

Construction Conditions

 Construction primarily occurred within FDOT and City of Jacksonville rights-of-way and easements, and on JEA pump station property. 

Project Map

Indigo Drive Sewer Pump Station Construction Project - Map

Restoration of Project Area

Restoration of the project typically begins 2-3 weeks after the new sewer pump station has been constructed, tested and cleared for use. Any existing pavement, grass, curb, gutter, driveways or sidewalks affected during construction will be returned pre-construction condition.