McDuff Well #5 Day Avenue Well Testing Project

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule

Anticipated Start Date: 2017-08-07
Anticipated End Date: 2017-08-21

This project has been completed. Below is the information provided to customers prior to the project start date. 

Project Objective

JEA will soon be testing the potable water well located at 1218 Day Avenue. This well is one (1) of over 122 active wells that are part of JEA’s regional water supply transmission system. Following a successful inspection of the well, JEA will return in the near future to upgrade the well facilities. 

This project involves the testing and maintenance of the existing well which includes removing the well pump and televising the well casing. Once the well pump is removed the water will be free flowing, and will be controlled with sandbags so that the water will be directed to flow into a nearby storm inlet. This may cause minor flooding to the area. The water from the well is safe and clean. 

Once the work is completed, the well site will be restored to preconstruction conditions. 

Conditions During Construction

This work will not affect your JEA water or sewer service. Construction activities will take place on JEA’s property, and within the City of Jacksonville rights of way, easements and roads. The water will flow down the east end of Day Street and will turn right flowing down Tivoli Street into storm inlets at the intersection of Tivoli and Lechlade Streets. Please observe all construction signs, detours and general directions provided.