Owens Road Water Main Improvement Project

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule

Anticipated Start Date: 2020-06-15
Anticipated End Date: 2021-02-28

Regular work schedule is Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 

NOTE: In some circumstances, evening and weekend work may be necessary. Contractor will not be scheduled to work on City of Jacksonville holidays. 

Project Objective

A contractor working for JEA (T.G Utilities) has completed a project in your area to install a new water main that will serve your community. This project will increase water pressure and provide improved system reliability. 

This work included the installation of approximately 3,960 linear feet of 16-inch PVC water main via open cut method of construction and 1,890 linear feet of 18-inch water main via horizontal directional drill (HDD) along Owens Road between Ranch Road and Max Leggett Parkway in Duval County.

Owens Rd WIP MAP

Construction Conditions

Construction primarily occurred in the City of Jacksonville (COJ) rights of way, roads and easements. The new water main was installed outside the travel lane along Owens Road. Both travel lanes remained open so motorists will be permitted to drive (with caution) through the construction area during the pipe installation. 

Restoration of the Project Area

Restoration of the project began after the new water main has been installed, tested and cleared for use. Upon completion of the project, any existing pavement, grass, curb, gutter, driveways or sidewalks affected during construction will be returned to its pre-construction condition.