Sanitary Sewer Manhole Inspection Project

Project Objective

A contractor working for JEA (Wright-Pierce) will be in the JEA service territory to complete an inspection of the sanitary sewer manholes that serve our area. The purpose of this project is to identify areas of the sanitary sewer system that may require future rehabilitation or replacement.  Failures to sewer manholes can potentially cause major sewer back-ups and roadway issues.

The purpose of these inspections is to formally document the current manhole condition. These inspections are not prompted by a maintenance concern or known issue at any of the inspection locations. 

You may notice Wright-Pierce vehicles in the area and employees inspecting manholes near your home or business.  Your normal JEA water and sewer service will not be affected by this work. 

Work days and hours can vary depending on many factors which include sewer emergencies, sewer manhole location, impact to area traffic and crew availability. Weekend and night work may sometimes be necessary.

Watch a video about JEA's Sanitary Sewer Manhole Inspection Process.