Suni Pines Boulevard Emergency Sewer Improvement Project

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule

Anticipated Start Date: 2022-08-08
Anticipated End Date: 2022-12-19

Please note, schedule is highly subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances encountered during construction, adverse weather or supply chain delays.


    Project Objective

    JEA crews recently completed a project to replace a failing sanitary sewer line near the JEA sewer lift station located at 2801 Suni Pines Boulevard. This line had reached the end of its useful service life and needed to be replaced to ensure the reliability of the sewer system that serves the neighborhood. Failures to sewer lines can potentially cause major sewer back-ups, environmental harm and roadway issues. 

    This work required the removal of ground water with pump systems prior to excavation. A sewer by-pass pump and line was installed so that sewage could be routed to the lift station while the repairs were completed. Both pump systems operated continuously during the repairs.

    Temporary Road Closure - December 19th - Paving Suni Pines Boulevard

    Construction was completed in utility easements within the Portside community. 


    Construction Conditions

    Construction occurred in the utility easements. For the safety of our crews and the general public, we were required to temporarily close Suni Pines Boulevard near the lift station at 2801Suni Pines Boulevard to complete this work. A temporary single lane roadway and pedestrian access path were constructed so that motorists and pedestrians could have access to their homes and safely travel through the project area.

    Electronic message boards will be placed to alert motorists of the closure. Electronic “flagging” light stations were installed on both sides of the road closure to direct traffic through the temporary single lane roadway. For the safety of pedestrians, a temporary fence was installed behind the lift station along the drainage ditch to limit pedestrian access within the project area.  

    We appreciate your patience during this important infrastructure repair project and apologize for any inconvenience this construction work may have caused. This work did not impact normal JEA electric, water and/or sewer service. 

    Restoration of the Project Area

    Upon completion of the project, any existing pavement, grass, curb, gutter, driveways or sidewalks affected during construction will be returned pre-construction condition.