JEA Ambassadors: Engaging and Educating Our Community
JEA team member Ambassadors spend thousands of hours each year in the community, educating our customers about conservation, safety and the various products and services JEA offers to customers; including solutions to help track their usage, pay their bill and how best to communicate with JEA.

Engage With Our Ambassadors
To have the JEA Ambassadors participate in your event, please follow one of the links below:
Community Events
Includes, but not limited to, Bi-Annual Home & Patio Shows, the Southern Women’s Show, the Black Expo, World of Nations, Earth Day, church, school and smaller community events
Community Event Participation Request Form
Speaking Invitations
Houses of worship, schools, civic groups, and homeowner associations may request our JEA Ambassadors to speak about energy and water conservation, utility safety, environmental topics and more.
Speaker Request Form
Energy and Water Plant Tours
Several of our energy and water plants are available for tours.
Tour Request Form
Ongoing Ambassador Events
JEA Ambassadors also engage with the community through ongoing partnerships with area nonprofits and agencies. These partnerships allow JEA team members to develop a closer relationship with our customers and community.
- United Way Real Sense and Junior Achievement: Our team members offer financial literacy information to adults and youth.
- Power Pals: Our Ambassador instructors teach electric and water safety to first and second graders through select elementary school partnerships.
You can request JEA Ambassadors or your group’s next community event. Simply complete the form at our Event and Expo Participation page and a JEA team member will contact you about your request.
Related Links
Employee Giving
JEA employees are proud to work and live in the communities we serve. This is just one of the reasons our employees raise funds for United Way and Community Health Charities and volunteer their time to an array of community
Our Partners
Many groups and individuals in Northeast Florida are working to educate the community on environmental issues. Since we have similar goals, JEA forms partnerships with, and sometimes financially supports, many local and regional groups.