Service Reconnection Policy
To reconnect your utility services, you must pay your outstanding balance in full, along with any increase to your security deposit. A service reconnection fee of $14 for each service, or $25 if your electric service requires reconnection at the pole, will be added to your next bill.
The following updates to the Service Reconnection Policy are effective Monday, March 3, 2025.
- If you make the required payment weekdays by 2 p.m., services will be reconnected by the close of business that same day.
- For payments made weekdays on or after 2:01 p.m., services will be reconnected on the next business day, excluding weekends and holidays.
- If your electric service was disconnected at the pole, same-day reconnection is not guaranteed and can take up to 24 to 48 hours to complete.
Timely Payment
- Payment is required in US currency. In the event foreign currency is processed, the customer’s account will be adjusted for the currency conversion and any associated fees.
- A payment is considered timely or on time if the total amount of the bill is received and posted to the customer’s account by bill due date.
- A 1.5% late payment charge will be assessed to the past due amount on active accounts (with the exception to balances covered by payment arrangement amounts) four (4) days after most recent bill due date.
- Changes to the bill cycle may be granted to accommodate customers who receive monthly income such as Social Security, AFDC, etc. to correspond with payment due date to avoid unnecessary late payment charges.
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Get Assistance
Customers in need of financial assistance with utility-related bills can receive help from United Way 2-1-1. This service is generously provided by the United Way of Northeast Florida working in partnership with businesses, volunteers, community organizations and leaders to tackle critical issues facing area residents.