Smart Thermostats


Program Overview

Smart thermostats can help you save energy and lower your energy bill*, while giving you more comfort and control — even when you’re not at home. Smart thermostats provide equipment and temperature data you can track, and those that are ENERGY STAR® certified go into a low-power standby mode when not in use.

Look for the ENERGY STAR label to find qualified products.

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Program Details

Accordion Item
Closed Title: What rebates are available?
Open Text:

  • $25 mail-in rebate for purchase and installation of qualifying products.
  • Only two (2) rebates per service address
Accordion Item
Closed Title: What are the eligibility requirements?
Open Text:

  • Rebates are available for JEA residential electric customers only. 
Accordion Item
Closed Title: How do I receive a rebate?
Open Text:

*Smart Thermostats | ENERGY STAR

Rebate application must be submitted within 90 days of purchase/installation and be postmarked or submitted online no later than October 10, 2025.