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401(a)/457 Advisory Committee Meeting

Event Information
- Thursday, February 13, 2025 Add to Calendar
- 01:00 p.m. to 02:00 p.m.
2nd Floor and Microsoft Teams
225 North Pearl Street Jacksonville, FL 32202
Notice is hereby given that the 401(a)/457 Plan Advisory Committee will hold a Special Meeting on Thurs., Feb. 13, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. at JEA, 225 North Pearl Street, 2nd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32202 and via Microsoft Teams.
Notice is hereby given that the 401(a)/457 Plan Advisory Committee will hold a Special Meeting on Thurs., Feb. 13, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. at JEA, 225 North Pearl Street, 2nd Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32202 and via Microsoft Teams. The public is invited to attend this meeting in person at the physical location or via Microsoft Teams (access information and instructions below).
Ways for the Public to Access the Meeting at No Cost Via Microsoft Teams
- Join the meeting via Microsoft Teams through your internet browser using the following meeting access information:
Microsoft Teams login/access. Join on your computer, mobile app or room device: Click here
Meeting ID: 289 085 156 189
Passcode: xyPA3w
Or call in (audio only)
+1 469-208-1810,,386411552# United States, Dallas
Phone Conference ID: 511 124 540#
You can LISTEN to the meeting and/or VIEW the meeting this way. - Join the Microsoft Teams meeting by phone by:
Dialing: +1-469-208-1810 and using access code: 511 124 540#
PUBLIC COMMENTS: Instructions for providing public comments during the appropriate public comment speaking period are located in the detailed instructions. Interested persons who cannot attend the Microsoft Teams meeting but who wish
to submit public comments to be read during the
appropriate public comment speaking period may do so by emailing Jill Luster at lustjr@jea.com no later than 1:00 p.m. on Feb. 12, 2025.
Please contact Ontario Blackmon by email at webexsupport@jea.com if you have any question regarding this notice or experience any technical difficulties during the meeting. If you
have a disability that requires accommodations to participate in the above meeting, please call (904) 665-
7550 or (800) 955-8771 (TTY) by 1:00 p.m. the day before the meeting
Please contact Jill Luster at (904) 665-4567 or lustjr@jea.com if you need additional information.
Joining 401(a)/457 Plan Advisory Committee Microsoft Teams from a Phone
- Dial: +1-469-208-1810 United States Toll
- When prompted enter access code: 511 124 540#
- When prompted for an attendee number Press # key to skip
- You are now in the meeting
- You are joined to the meeting with the MUTE feature turned on, so you are not able to talk during the meeting. We will unmute the lines at the appropriate time for public comment. Directions for public comment are below.
Public Comments Directions
Public Comments will conform to the instructions in the meeting notice and agenda. For those providing public comments during the Microsoft Teams meeting, we allow a maximum of 3 minutes per speaker.
Public Comment will happen at the defined time in the meeting and will happen in three phases. First all public comments received by email will be read for the record. The second phase will be to recognize any participant who has Raised Their Hand through
the Microsoft Teams tools or stated
they would like to provide comment through the Chat feature in Microsoft Teams. The final phase will be when the host asks if anyone that joined by dialing into the meeting directly would like to provide comment.
Providing Comments if Dialed into the Meeting:
- The meeting host will announce that anyone that dialed into the meeting directly from phone that would like to provide comment can unmute their line by pressing *6 on their phone and politely stating that you would like to make a comment.
- The host will facilitate giving everyone that would like to comment the opportunity to do so.
- When it is your turn please state your full name prior to giving your comments.
- When your comments are complete, the host will mute your line so the meeting can proceed.