Airport Terrace - Ricky Drive Water Main Extension Project

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule

Anticipated Start Date: 2017-07-10
Anticipated End Date: 2017-10-31

This project has been completed. Below is the information provided to customers prior to the project start date.

Roads Affected

Airport Terrace Drive, Jefferson Road, Ricky Drive

Project Objective

Working in partnership with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), a contractor working for JEA will be installing a new potable water line in the Airport Terrace/Ricky Drive neighborhood in the next few months.

The funding for this project is being provided by the FDEP as a result of its potable well sampling program. This program has identified some wells in the area that have shown signs of contamination and will be assisting with mitigation. The FDEP has concluded that it is more cost effective for their program to connect these designated properties to JEA’s central water system rather than maintaining the required filtration systems.


Property owners included in this program will receive a notification from FDEP about the connection option and further outline the connection process. Eligible property owners will also receive additional information on connection once the water line is installed and cleared for use. If you have any further questions regarding the FDEP program, please contact Charles Coultas at (850) 245-8369 or

Property owners that are not part of the FDEP program but are located within the project limits (see map on attached sheet) will be eligible for connection to the JEA water system on a voluntary basis. Interested property owners not covered by the FDEP program will be responsible for paying all JEA connection fees, on-site plumbing costs and obtaining associated permits required to make the connection from your home to JEA’s water line located in the right-of-way. JEA will install a new water meter once connection fees are paid by those outside the FDEP program.

More information will be provided by JEA to eligible property owners once the water line has been installed and cleared for use. We anticipate that construction activities should start on July 10, 2017 with an estimated completion date of October 2017. The work will include the installation of a new water main and individual water services (to the property line) and three (3) new fire hydrants.

Construction Conditions

Construction will occur in the City’s rights of way and easements. There will be times when roads and driveways will have limited access while the contractor is installing the water main. Restoration of the project area will begin once the water lines are installed, tested and cleared for use. Upon completion of the project, any existing pavement, grass, curbs, driveways or sidewalks affected during construction will be returned to its pre-construction condition.

Progress Photos

Next Steps

Additional information will be provided to the community throughout the project.