Broward River Crossing - District II Outfall Rehabilitation Project

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule

Anticipated Start Date: 2016-03-27
Anticipated End Date: 2016-09-30

This project has been completed. Below is the information provided to customers prior to the project start date. 

Project Objective

JEA is continuing in its efforts to invest in the critical pieces of our water, sewer, and electric system infrastructure. Our current project, the District II Outfall Rehabilitation Project is in its final stages of design and ready to go to construction.

The purpose of this project is to replace a section of the existing reclaimed water main that serves the JEA District II Cedar Bay Water Reclamation Facility located at 1840 Cedar Bay Road. The primary purpose of this 30-inch main is to transmit highly treated wastewater (reclaimed water) across the Broward River to be utilized by both the St Johns River Power Park and Northside Generating Station.

JEA installed the existing pipeline under the Broward River in the early 2000’s. Following a recent inspection of the reclaimed main, JEA engineers determined that the existing section of pipe located under the Broward River is in need of replacement. This current project is designed to upgrade and replace this existing section of pipe. 

As part of this project, JEA will be installing approximately 2,800 linear feet of 30-inch high-density polyethylene or HDPE carrier pipe 70-75 feet under the river bed of the Broward River utilizing the horizontal directional drilling (HDD) method   of construction. Directional boring, or HDD is a steerable, trenchless method of installing underground pipes. HDD is often used when digging or trenching is not practical for installing pipe, such as under a water body.

In reviewing the challenges of the previous installation, the new pipeline was designed by the Design/Build Team to achieve a depth of up to 70-75 feet below the river. The previous installation reached a maximum depth of 40-45 feet below the river.

This is an important comparison because the existing pipeline was installed just above the more consolidated limestone layer, while the new pipeline was designed to be constructed (and installed) below the limestone layer. The limestone layer (and below) provides for a more consistent, dense material that both acts to support a more stabilized drilling operation, while also providing added protection to the softer soils above the limestone layer that are associated with the river bottom.

Construction Areas

JEA will require two construction sites to complete the installation of this main. One construction  area will be located on the utility easement located adjacent to 1775 Cedar Bay Road at the end of Cedar Bay Road next to the JEA Cedar Bay Water Reclamation Facility. The contractor will also mobilize on the Cedar Bay Generating Plant located at 9640 Eastport Road. The majority of the construction activities and drilling operations activities will occur on the Cedar Bay Generating Station side of the project site. Residents may notice increased contractor truck traffic along Cedar Bay Road.