Busch Drive and I-95 Sewer Improvement Project

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule

Anticipated Start Date: 2017-11-30
Anticipated End Date: 2018-09-30

Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 
In some circumstances, extended hours may be necessary. JEA will not work on City of Jacksonville holidays. 

Project Objective

JEA installed approximately 10,000 feet of 30" sewer force main along the existing transmission line corridor that runs north from the I-95/Busch Drive intersection, parallel to I-95.

About half of this work was completed via open cut method and half via horizontal directional drilling (HDD). 

Following construction we will connect to an existing sewer force main located within the transmission line corridor. Additionally, a new fire line will be installed to accommodate a new fire hydrant at the northeast corner of Busch Drive and I-95. Once completed, this project will provide improved system reliability and fire protection.

 Busch Drive Force Main