Church and Main Substation Reliability Project

Project Objective

JEA will be constructing feeder ties between our Church Street and Main Street electric substations. This would allow JEA to back feed power at either the Church Street or Main Street substation if there were a major contingency event resulting in total loss of power at either substation.

Project Dates

JEA will be conducting exploratory work over the next few weeks. Construction dates and work hours are to be determined. JEA will update you once we have final plans.

Construction Conditions

There will be two areas JEA will be installing large underground electric duct banks within the City of Jacksonville right-of way and easements using the open-cut method of construction. This work will not require any outages for JEA customers. Maintenance of traffic will be coordinated with the City of Jacksonville and JSO. JEA will coordinate any crossing of driveways with affected property owners.

Both work areas are noted in yellow dashes in the map to the right. The area in red is existing feeder that will be replaced. The replacement feeder work (in red) should not cause any disruption to normal traffic flow. 

Construction Areas

Construction Area 1 - Lee Street from Ashley Street to Union Street

This will require the temporary removal of 5 palm trees, concrete curbs, sidewalks and decorative bricks to install the duct banks and manholes. This will impact traffic along Lee Street and the Community First Credit Union. Community First Credit Union will be notified prior to our work.

Construction Area 2 – N. Laura Street from State Street to the existing manhole duct bank on the corner of N. Laura Street and Bethel Baptist Street. 

This work is adjacent to the main FSCJ parking area and Bethel Baptist parking area across from JEA’s Water Treatment Facility and Lab. JEA will avoid construction work on Wednesday evenings and on Sundays to avoid any conflicts with worship services at the Bethel Baptist Church. Both FSCJ and the Bethel Baptist will be notified prior to our work.