Devoe Street Electrical Improvement Project

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule

Anticipated Start Date: 2014-04-28
Anticipated End Date: 2014-06-30
This project has been completed. Below is the information that was provided to customers prior to the project start date. 

Roads Affected

Beaver Street West, Beck Court, Bulls Bay Highway, Cahoon Road, Cannon Street, Clapton Way, Devoe Street, Granpaw Court, Greenland Avenue, Hammond Boulevard, Hastings Street, Jackson Avenue South, Lori Ann Court, Mallory Road, Mariner Street, Mayall Drive, Mayall Drive West, McCargo Street, Memorial Park Road, Page Court, Paschal Street, Permento Avenue, Posey Road, Santana Court, Shuter Court, Stuart Avenue, Three Creeks Court

Project Objective

In the next few months, JEA will be in your neighborhood upgrading and replacing the main electric feeder line that serves your area. 

When completed, this work will increase the amperage capacity of the existing power line in your area, thereby reducing chances of overloading the circuit which can sometimes lead to unplanned power outages. In addition, 

JEA will also be replacing any old or deteriorated power poles along the project route as well as installing new brackets for insulators, fuses, and transformers which will also provide for better power quality and reliability. JEA will not be doing any work at the individual electric meter that serves your home.

Construction Conditions

Residents will first notice locate paint marks and flags on the ground throughout the project area. These locates assist our crews in locating the existing underground utilities prior to the start of any work. Residents can expect anywhere between 3‐8 large utility trucks in the area depending on the planned work activity. 

Power poles will be temporarily dropped off or staged in the public right of way portion of your yard until they can be installed. Several poles will be moved back at least 4‐feet from the curb, road, or sidewalk to conform to current JEA standards for road clearances.

Once the poles have been placed in the ground, crews will then install the equipment on the poles followed by pulling the new electric wires between the new poles. JEA will leave the old power poles in place until AT&T and Comcast change their facilities over to the new poles. Once this work occurs, JEA will return to remove the old poles. 

JEA may require some detours and lane closures while this work is completed. Any roads, curb, grass, driveway, sidewalk, or sod unintentionally damaged during construction will be replaced at the end of the project.

Planned Power Outages

Customers will experience brief power outages as a result of this work. JEA crews will be required to temporarily shut off power to each individual home to switch each electric service over to the new power line. Customers will be notified prior to any prolonged (more than 1 hour) planned electric outages.

Tree Trimming and Vegetation Management

JEA tree contractors will be required to complete some tree trimming and removals prior to electric crews performing the necessary upgrades. Customers will be notified in advance by JEA Forestry staff prior to any tree(s) being removed on/near your property.  Please contact JEA Project Outreach at 665‐7500 if you have any questions regarding a specific tree.

Tree trimming around power lines improves electric system reliability by reducing the faults caused by limbs blowing/growing into power lines. Once the project is completed, JEA will continue to trim on its regular 2 1/2 year tree trimming cycle.