Donner Road Pole Relocation Project

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule

Anticipated Start Date: 2022-03-16
Anticipated End Date: 2022-04-29

Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Note: Date are highly subject to change, and in some circumstances, extended hours and weekends may be required.

Project Objective

JEA crews will be in your neighborhood relocating several of the existing power poles on Donner Road that serve your neighborhood. This pole relocation project is being performed at the request of the City of Atlantic Beach (COAB) in support of the city’s sidewalk, drainage and roadway improvement project. The poles in question will be moved further towards the rear of the sidewalk. Please see a map of the work area below. 

Construction Conditions

Construction will occur in the City of Atlantic Beach rights-of-way and easements. This pole relocation project will require several pieces of equipment to be set up in the immediate area, as well as several large trucks parked along the street during construction. We will make every effort to ensure that access to the road and your home is maintained. 


Customers may experience brief power outages as a result of this work. Residents will receive advance notice within 48-hours prior to any planned prolonged electric outages. 

Map of Project Area

Donner Road Map

Tree Trimming and Vegetation Management

Proper vegetative clearance is required around JEA poles and facilities to allow the project to move forward. The vegetative management objectives will be to enhance the benefits and mitigate the hazards of both the electrical service and existing tree canopy. JEA tree crews receive additional training on how to maintain sensitive tree canopies and target new growth approaching JEA lines (the line at the top of most utility poles).

Planned Power Outages

Customers may experience brief power outages as a result of this work.  JEA crews will be required to temporarily shut off power to each individual home to switch each electric service over to the new power line. Customers will be notified prior to any prolonged (more than 1 hour) planned electric outages.

Restoration of Project Area

Restoration of the project area will take place once the new lines have been installed, tested and cleared for use. Any existing grass, sprinklers, pavement, curb, gutter, driveways and/or sidewalks affected during construction will be returned to its pre-construction condition.