Fury Drive Pump Station Upgrade Project

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule

Anticipated Start Date: 2015-04-20
Anticipated End Date: 2015-05-22

This project has been completed. Below is the information provided to customers prior to the project start date. 

Roads Affected

Fury Drive

Project Objective

JEA will be performing necessary upgrades to the sanitary sewer pump station located at 8560 Fury Drive. These upgrades include the modification of the odor control unit which plays an integral part in the breakdown of the bacteria that can cause odors. Once completed, these improvements will increase the efficiency of the sanitary sewer pump station that services the surrounding area.

Construction Conditions

While there will not be any disruption to your sewer service, residents may detect an unpleasant odor near the pump station while the work is being completed. Once the pump station has returned to normal operation these odors should subside.