Galileo Avenue Water & Sewer Improvement Project

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule

Anticipated Start Date: 2023-01-09
Anticipated End Date: 2023-10-27

Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.*

*In some circumstances, extended hours and weekends may be required. 

Project Objective

JEA crews upgraded and replaced portions of the existing water and sewer mains on Galileo Avenue near Della Robbia Way, and extended the sewer main along Galileo Avenue to Roma Boulevard. 

A contractor working for JEA will return in November/December to properly abandon the old water and sewer main currently on Galileo Avenue. These existing water and sewer lines had reached the end of their useful service lives and were replaced to ensure the reliability of the systems that serve your neighborhood. 

Construction Conditions

A contractor working for JEA (Eagerton Plumbing) completed plumbing work on private property to connect residents listed below to the new sewer line located on Galileo Avenue. This certified plumber was hired by JEA, and this work was completed at no cost to the property owner. Property owners for the below addresses that required private sewer line relocation completed the necessary temporary easement documents for the work that was completed on private property.  

o 4364 Galileo Avenue
o 4354 Galileo Avenue
o 4346 Galileo Avenue
o 4340 Galileo Avenue
o 4334 Galileo Avenue
o 4326 Galileo Avenue
o 4320 Galileo Avenue
o 4314 Galileo Avenue
o 4308 Galileo Avenue
o 4349 Galileo Avenue
o 4355 Galileo Avenue

Restoration of the Project Area

Once all of the above addresses have been connected to the new sewer line, any areas disturbed by this construction work will be restored to pre-construction condition. 

Project Area Maps

Galileo Water & Sewer Project - Reversal Map


Galileo Sewer Improvement Project Map

New Sewer Connections

The below residences on the north side of Galileo Avenue have the option to connect to the new sewer main, at the property owner’s expense. More information on how to connect to the JEA sewer system will be communicated to property owners in the near future once the system is available for connection. 

  • 4369 Galileo Avenue
  • 4343 Galileo Avenue
  • 4337 Galileo Avenue
  • 4331 Galileo Avenue
  • 4323 Galileo Avenue
  • 4317 Galileo Avenue
  • 4317-1 Galileo Avenue
  • 4307 Galileo Avenue