North Laura Street and West 5th Street Well Vault Removal Project

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule

Anticipated Start Date: 2015-11-30
Anticipated End Date: 2015-12-14
This project has been completed. Below is the information provided to customers prior to the project start date. 

Roads Affected

5th Street West, Laura Street North

Project Objective

A contractor working for JEA will be working at the corner of North Laura Street and West 5th Street beginning to remove a well vault that is no longer in service. The work will consist of removing the vault lid, interior equipment and piping. 

Construction Conditions

While there will be no lane closures as part of this work, there will be cones set up to help guide motorists and pedestrians around any construction equipment that will be on-site. 

Restoration of Project Area

Once the equipment and piping have been removed, the vault will be backfilled with dirt, and covered with a new sidewalk.