Potable Well Testing Projects

Project Objective

JEA provides reliable water service to approximately 330,000 customers throughout our service territory and have over 122 active wells that are part of our regional water supply transmission system.

A contractor working for JEA will be testing potable wells listed at the below locations. Once testing has been completed, this will determine if the well is in good stable condition for future rehabilitation. 

This project involves the actual testing of the existing well which includes removing the well pump and televising the well casing. Once the well pump is removed the water will be free flowing, controlled with sand-bags so that the water will be directed to flow into the directed storm inlet. This may cause minor flooding to the area. Once the work is completed, the well site will be restored to preconstruction conditions. 

Construction Conditions

This work will not affect your JEA water or sewer service. Construction activities will take place on JEA’s property, and within the City of Jacksonville rights of way, easements and roads. The well water may temporarily flow on to adjacent properties during certain portions of the project. This is safe, clean water that will naturally percolate (drain) into the ground. The contractor will try to minimize the flow and impact of this water. 

Well Testing Locations

  • 4594 Appleton Avenue - February 15th through March 2018

Flushing and Testing of the Wells

JEA will be required to flush water from the well on multiple occasions using above ground piping and nearby drainage ditches or structures. This is required for clearing and testing of the well for public use. The flushing and testing process can take anywhere from 1 - 2 weeks. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience. 

Appleton Photo 1