Renee Terrace Pole Replacement Project

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule

Anticipated Start Date: 2016-08-29
Anticipated End Date: 2016-11-30

Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 

NOTE: This project is substantially complete. Completion date does not include final restoration of project area. 

Project Objective

JEA will be replacing the wooden power poles in the backyard easement between Renee Terrace and San Souci Road with new steel poles. This work will assist with overall electric system reliability. JEA will not be doing any work at the individual electric meter that serves your home. 

Roads Affected

The contractor will be accessing the rear easements through the road and properties located along Renee Terrace. Customers that will be immediately impacted by the construction have already met with JEA staff to discuss the work in detail. These properties are 6724, 6730, 6812, 6818 Renee Terrace. 

Planned Power Outages

Some customers may experience a brief power outage as part of this project. Residents will receive 48-hours notice before any planned power outages. 

Tree Trimming & Vegetation Management 

Tree contractors will be required to complete some tree trimming prior to the electric contractor performing the necessary pole replacements. 

Construction Conditions

This pole replacement project will require several pieces of equipment to be set up in the immediate area of the pole, as well as several large trucks parked along the street during construction. Every effort will be made to ensure that access to the road and your home is maintained.