St. Johns Avenue - Elizabeth Place Pole Replacement Project

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule

Anticipated Start Date: 2013-10-02
Anticipated End Date: 2013-11-27
This project has been completed. Below is the information that was provided to customers prior to the project start date. 

Roads Affected

Donald Street, Elizabeth Place, St. Johns Avenue

Project Objective

JEA will be replacing the old or deteriorated power poles in the backyard easement between Elizabeth Place and Donald Street. JEA will not be doing any work at the individual electric meter that serves your home.

Construction Areas

Crews will access the easement from St Johns Avenue, and Elizabeth Place, and through the backyards of the properties on either side of the easement.

Construction Conditions

This pole replacement project will require several pieces of equipment to be set up in the immediate area of the pole, as well as several large trucks parked along the street. Every effort will be made to ensure access to and from your home is maintained.

Outages and Tree Trimming and Vegetation Management

Some customers may experience a power outage associated with this work. You will receive 24 to 48 hours notice before any planned power outage for your home.

JEA tree contractors will be required to complete some tree trimming prior to electric crews performing the necessary upgrades. Customers will be notified in advance by JEA Forestry staff prior to tree(s) being trimmed on or near your property. Please contact the JEA Forestry Department at 665-6050 if you have any questions regarding a specific tree.