West 20th Street Well Rehabilitation Project (Phase 2)

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule

Anticipated Start Date: 2017-07-10
Anticipated End Date: 2018-06-30

This project has been completed. The below project information was provided to area residents. 

Project Objective

JEA has completed rehabilitation of the potable water well located at 1977 West 20th Street. This well is one (1) of over 122 active wells that are part of JEA’s regional water supply transmission system. Rehabilitating this well will improve our systems overall water pressure, reliability and allow us to continue to provide a robust water supply system throughout JEA’s service territory. 

The first (completed) phase of this project involved the actual cleaning and testing of the existing well. The second phase of work included the removal of the existing above ground equipment and concrete pad, installation of new well pumps and concrete pad, replacement of the above ground equipment and connection to the pipe in the street.  Once the work was completed, the well site was fenced for security. 

Conditions During Construction 

 Construction activities took place on JEA’s property, and within the City of Jacksonville rights of way, easements and roads.  

West 20th Well Photo 1