West 5th Street Sewer Pump Station Upgrade Project

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule

Anticipated Start Date: 2017-07-23
Anticipated End Date: 2018-08-31

NOTE: Start and Completion dates are subject to change. 

Project Objective

JEA has upgraded our sewer pump station located at 5233 West 5th Street. This station is responsible for pumping sewage from your neighborhood to JEA’s nearby Buckman Wastewater Treatment Facility.

Due to the age of this station, some of the equipment has reached the end of its useful service life and must be upgraded to maintain reliability of the sewer system. The project involves replacing the existing pumps and equipment at the existing station. JEA will also be installing an additional back-up pump to this station for expanded reliability and redundancy.

Construction Conditions

We anticipate starting construction in the next few weeks with a final completion date of September 2017. While construction activities will primarily take place behind the fenced area of the facility, residents may notice an increased number of work vehicles and large trucks delivering equipment to the facility.

As part of this project, JEA will be required to temporarily disconnect the station’s odor control system during the construction. Customers may detect a temporary, short-term odor while the upgrades are completed. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.

Once the project is completed, this facility will be more efficient, environmentally friendly and nearby residents should notice a reduction in odors from the station.