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- Martin Luther King Parkway Water Main Improvement Project
Martin Luther King Parkway Water Main Improvement Project

Estimated Dates & Work Schedule
Anticipated End Date: 2025-05-30
Dates and times are highly subject to change. In some circumstances, evening and weekend work hours may be required. Crews will not be scheduled to work on JEA Holidays.
Project Objective
A contractor working for JEA (Petticoat-Schmitt Civil Contractors) is continuing work to replace and upgrade approximately 4,550 linear feet of aging water main infrastructure along Martin Luther King (MLK) Parkway on W. 21st Street from Abbott Street to Fairfax Street and from east side of MLK Pkwy and I-95 Interchange to Mars Avenue; and approximately 1,750 linear feet along Myrtle Avenue from W. 15th Street to W. 22nd Street. These sections of pipe have reached the end of their useful service lives and must be proactively replaced to ensure the continued reliability of the water system that serves the community.
This work will include the replacement of the existing water main and 175 individual water meters and services (to the property line) along the project route. This work will also include the installation and/or replacement of 14 fire hydrants. Once completed, this project will increase water pressure, provide improved system reliability and enhanced fire protection.
Construction Conditions
For the safety of our crews and the general public, we will be required to temporarily close one travel lane while the new water main is installed. Traffic control flagging personnel may be utilized during working hours to ensure vehicles may safely pass through in both directions. Traffic in both directions will be permitted to drive (with caution) through the project area when crews are not working.
Contractor work hours and maintenance of traffic may change throughout the duration of the project. Temporary road closures may also be required at nearby intersections when crews tie the new water main into the existing water main.
Please observe all construction signs, detours and general directions provided by the crews working on-site. Please see the work area map below.
Temporary Road Closure - W. 21st Street - February 25th - March 7th
The contractor is completing final milling and paving of portions of the project area. For the safety of crews and the public, the contractor will be required to close and detour traffic around the paving operation while the contractor is actively working.JEA encourages drivers to plan for traffic delays in this area. Please see the work area map below.
We request that residents within the paving boundaries remove all vehicles, equipment, and trash receptacles until the paving operation is complete. Residents in the immediate area will have limited access to their street and driveways during paving operations. Any vehicles left on the street may be towed.
Estimated Completion
Date: March 7, 2025*
This work will occur along the City of Jacksonville right-of-ways and utility easements. Residents and/or businesses will be provided access to their driveways and will be permitted to drive (with caution) around the work area. There may be times when driveways are temporarily blocked while crews are working directly in front of homes or businesses. Crews will knock on doors to provide time to move vehicles prior to blocking any driveways.
Please observe all construction signs, detours and general directions provided by the crews working on-site.
This work will not impact your normal JEA electric, water, or sewer service.
Temporary Road Closure - W. 20th Street
The contractor will soon begin installing new water main piping across MLK Parkway. To facilitate this work, a portion of W. 20th Street, west of Myrtle Avenue, will be temporarily closed.
Additionally, the parking lot at 2933 N. Myrtle Avenue will be sectioned off for use as a construction work area, which will limit parking in the vicinity. Residents, businesses, and visitors may need to use alternate routes (W. 21st Street to Barnett Street to W. 20th Street) to access nearby businesses and residences.
Please note that parking on the north side of W. 20th Street will remain available for businesses located there and along N. Myrtle Avenue.
For more details, please refer to the attached work area map. Pipe installation across MLK Parkway will occur only during evening and overnight hours, with the area being reopened each day to avoid peak traffic periods and to minimize impacts on local businesses.
Please observe all construction signs, detours, and directions provided by the crews on-site.
Anticipated Start Date: January 27, 2025*
Estimated Completion Date: March 2025*
Overall Project Estimated Completion Date: May 2025*
*Dates are highly subject to change.
This work will occur along the City of Jacksonville rights-of-ways and utility easements.
Some customers may experience minor interruptions to their water service. JEA will notify customers at least 48-hours prior to any planned water outages. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused by this construction work.
Overall Project Work Area Map
Planned Water Outages
Some customers may experience minor interruptions to their water service. JEA will notify customers at least 48-hours prior to any planned water outages. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused by this construction work.
Restoration of the Project Area
Restoration of the project area will begin soon after the new water main has been installed, tested and cleared for use. Upon completion of the project, any existing pavement, grass, curb, gutter, driveways or sidewalks affected during construction will be returned to its pre-construction condition.
If you have any questions about the Martin Luther King Parkway Water Main Improvement Project, please contact JEA Project Outreach at (904) 665-7500 or email us at projectoutreach@jea.com.