

Our rates are designed to cover the cost of operating your electric, water and sewer utilities and to pay down the debt for money borrowed to expand and improve our infrastructure. Our rates also cover current state and federal regulations. Utility service is a complicated and costly business. We work hard to be responsible stewards of your business and the environment, while bringing you the most reliable service possible.

Fuel Rates

As our fuel rates fluctuate from month to month based on market conditions and other factors, JEA posts sample monthly fuel charges based on 1000 kWh electric consumption (see table below). Updated rates will be published no later than the last week of each month.

Fuel charges are “pass-through” costs based on how much JEA pays for the fuel it uses to generate electricity. However, JEA limits the month-over-month increase in the fuel charge to no more than 20 percent. When JEA’s cost of fuel goes down, we will be able to pass those savings along to customers on a monthly basis.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Monthly Fuel Rates Table
Open Text:
 2025 Historic Monthly Fuel Rate (Rate per 1000 kWh consumption)  
Apr. 2025 $46.70
Mar. 2025 $50.16
Feb. 2025 $41.80
Jan. 2025 $37.34

 2024 Historic Monthly Fuel Rate (Rate per 1000 kWh consumption)  
Dec. 2024 $31.12
Nov. 2024 $34.76
Oct. 2024 $34.96
Sept. 2024 $36.42
Aug. 2024 $38.43
Jul. 2024 $37.26
Jun. 2024 $32.23
May 2024 $31.22
Apr. 2024 $31.24
Mar. 2024 $33.15
Feb. 2024 $41.30
Jan. 2024 $43.55

 2023 Historic Monthly Fuel Rate (Rate per 1000 kWh consumption)  
Dec. 2023 $36.29
Nov. 2023 $37.90
Oct. 2023 $38.33
Sept. 2023 $42.63
Aug. 2023 $43.27
Jul. 2023 $40.70
Jun. 2023 $39.87
May 2023 $41.85
Apr. 2023 $41.62
Mar. 2023 $71.00
Feb. 2023 $71.68
Jan. 2023 $59.73

 2022 Historic Monthly Fuel Rate (Rate per 1000 kWh consumption)  
Dec. 2022 $49.78
Nov. 2022 $41.48
Oct. 2022  $79.03
Sept. 2022  $83.46 
Aug. 2022  $69.55 
Jul. 2022  $57.96 
Jun. 2022  $48.30 
May 2022  $40.25 
Apr. 2022  $43.82 
Mar. 2022  $42.00 
Feb. 2022  $49.97 
Jan. 2022  $43.92 

 2021 Historic Monthly Fuel Rate (Rate per 1000 kWh consumption)  
Dec. 2021  $36.60 
Nov. 2021  $30.51 
Oct. 2021  $30.50 
Accordion Item
Closed Title:Q&A: Increases in Fuel Costs
Open Text:


Why are there fluctuations in the fuel costs?

The price of fuel changes frequently due to market supply and demand fundamentals. There are also many other factors that can influence the price of fuel. JEA actively monitors each fuel type that it uses and has a policy established to manage fuel prices. To choose which fuel types to use, JEA compares the total costs of each fuel and selects the lowest cost fuel blend to generate electricity.


Where can I find fuel cost rates in advance of the next month’s adjustment?

JEA fuel cost rates are published on jea.com/rates (this page) under Monthly Fuel Rates Table. 


Why do fuel costs sometimes seem to move differently than prices at the gas pump?

Most of the fuel used to produce electricity is different than what is sold at the gas pump. This is because diesel and gasoline are more expensive compared to JEA's other available fuel types. Less than 0.1% of JEA's total annual electric generation is generated by diesel and JEA doesn't use any gasoline to generate electricity. Although, the price of fuel used to produce electricity does fluctuate like gas at the pump, each fuel price typically moves independently based on market forces.


Why does JEA’s fuel charge fluctuate each month?

In December 2021, JEA started updating its fuel charge monthly instead of annually, which results in customer bills rising or falling with fuel prices. The monthly changes help us keep up with real-time energy costs. This process provides more transparency for customers and flexibility for JEA to adjust as fuel prices continue to fluctuate.


Why doesn’t JEA keep rates stable, as they were before Dec. 2021?

The current process provides more transparency for customers and flexibility for JEA to adjust as fuel prices continue to fluctuate. 


What does JEA do to manage fuel costs?

We proactively hedge our natural gas, a strategy to reduce or eliminate exposure to volatile and potentially rising fuel costs. JEA also procures other fuels and purchase power months in advance to minimize major fluctuations in pricing. Also, JEA limits the month-over-month increase in the fuel charge to no more than 20 percent.


Do fuel charges cover any JEA expenses unrelated to fuel, such as salaries or the new headquarters?

No. Fuel charges are a pass-through cost, and when JEA’s cost of fuel goes down, we will be able to pass those savings along to customers on a monthly basis.


What is JEA doing to help customers struggling to pay higher utility bills?

We continue to manage our business the best way we can so we can maintain affordable rates for our customers. We also:

  • Provide flexible, interest-free payment options, including payment arrangements and payment extensions that give customers more time to pay. Customers can apply for these options online and find out instantly if they're eligible.
  • Allow customers who establish good payment histories to get their deposits refunded after 12 months instead of 24 months, giving money back to them faster.
  • Offer innovative billing and payment options, including JEA MyBudget, our levelized payment program that takes a rolling average of your last 12 bills, taking the sting out of seasonal spikes in your utility bill. Customers can also take advantage of JEA Guest Pay, a tool that allows family, friends and other loved ones to help cover some or all of a customer's utility bill
  • Help customers connect to community resources that offer utility bill payment assistance and programs to help with other critical needs.


Water, Electric and Sewer Rates

If you are unsure of what the terms below mean, please reference our Glossary of Electric Terms or our Glossary of Water and Sewer Terms.

IMPORTANT: The rates detailed in this section are based on new rate adjustments approved by the JEA board of directors on March 25, 2025 and effective April 1, 2025. Learn more at jea.com/value

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Residential Electric Rates
Open Text:

This rate is designed for all residential customers. There is no demand charge, as it is incorporated into the energy charge. Customers in this class include single family homes, individually metered apartments, and some common areas at apartment complexes and home owner associations.

Residential Electric Rates
Basic Monthly Charge kWh per Tier Energy Rate per kWh Fuel Rate per kWh Total Rate per kWh
$17.50 1-1,000 $0.06846 $0.04670 $0.11516
  >1,000 $0.08346 $0.04670 $0.13016

Plus the following taxes and fees as determined by the city or county:

Residential Electric Fees and Taxes by County
Duval County Atlantic Beach
3% Franchise Fee
2.5641% Gross Receipts Tax
10% Public Service Tax
6.5574% Franchise Fee
2.7322% Gross Receipts Tax
5% Public Service Tax
Baldwin Clay County
6.5574% Franchise Fee
2.7322% Gross Receipts Tax
10% Public Service Tax
6.5574% Franchise Fee
2.7322% Gross Receipts Tax
4% Public Service Tax on usage over 500 kWh
Orange Park St. Johns County
3% Franchise Fee
2.5641% Gross Receipts Tax
10% Public Service Tax
2.5641% Gross Receipts Tax over 500 kWh
Accordion Item
Closed Title:Residential Water, Sewer and Irrigation Rates
Open Text:

This rate is designed for all residential customers. Customers in this class include single family homes, individually metered apartments, and some common areas at apartment complexes and home owner associations.

Residential water, sewer and irrigation rates
Rate Class kGal per Tier Water Rate per kGal Environmental Rate per kGal
  1-4 $1.34 $0.00
  5-8 $2.99 $0.00
  9-15 $5.13 $0.00
  >15 $6.45 $0.00
  All Usage $4.88 $0.00
Potable Irrigation
  1-7 $4.02 $0.00
  > 7 $6.03 $0.00
Reclaimed Irrigation
  1-14 $2.97 $0.00
  > 14 $5.97 $0.00

Plus the following monthly charges as determined by the meter size:

Residential Monthly Water and Sewer Charges as Determined by meter size
Rate Class Meter Size Basic Monthly Charge
Water ⅝"
1 ½"
Sewer ⅝"
1 ½"
Potable Irrigation ⅝"
1 ½"
Reclaimed Irrigation ⅝"
1 ½"

For Duval County Customers Only

Plus the following taxes and fees:

  • 3% Franchise Fee on water, sewer and irrigation (but not on reclaimed irrigation)
  • 10% Public Service Tax on water and irrigation

There are no taxes or fees on water, sewer, or irrigation services outside of Duval County.

*An additional $6 per bill is added for reclaimed irrigation service.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:General Service Electric Rates (Small Commercial)
Open Text:

Commercial Customers with less than 75 kW demand. This rate is designed for small commercial customers. There is no demand charge as it is incorporated into the energy charge. Customers in this class include small stand-alone businesses, businesses in strip malls, convenience stores, ATM machines including some small manufacturers with just a few pieces of machinery.

General Service Electric Rates (Small Commercial)
Rate Class Basic Monthly Charge Energy Rate per kWh Fuel Rate per kWh Environmental Rate per kWh Total Rate per kWh
General Service
  $23.00 $0.06670 $0.04670 $0.00000 $0.11340
General Service Time of Day
On Peak $25.00 $0.13486 $0.04985 $0.00000 $0.18471
Off Peak   $0.04439 $0.04532 $0.00000 $0.08971

Plus the following taxes and fees as determined by the city or county:

General Service Electric Fees and Taxes by County
Duval County Atlantic Beach
6.5574% Franchise Fee
2.7322% Gross Receipts Tax
5% Public Service Tax
7.95% Sales Tax on the first $5,000,
6.95% Sales Tax on remaining bill over $5,000
6.5574% Franchise Fee
2.7322% Gross Receipts Tax
5% Public Service Tax
Baldwin Clay County
6.5574% Franchise Fee
2.7322% Gross Receipts Tax
10% Public Service Tax
7.95% Sales Tax on the first $5,000,
6.95% Sales Tax on remaining bill over $5,000
6.5574% Franchise Fee
2.7322% Gross Receipts Tax
4% Public Service Tax
7.95% Sales Tax on the first $5,000
6.95% Sales Tax on remaining bill over $5,000
Orange Park St. Johns County
6.5574% Franchise Fee
2.7322% Gross Receipts Tax
7.95% Sales Tax on the first $5,000,
6.95% Sales Tax on remaining bill over $5,000
10% Public Service Tax
2.5641% Gross Receipts Tax
7.45% Sales Tax on the first $5,000
6.95% Sales Tax on remaining bill over $5,000
Accordion Item
Closed Title:General Service Demand Electric Rates (Large Commercial)
Open Text:

Commercial Customers with greater than 75 kW but less than 1,000 kW demand. This rate is designed for large commercial customers. Customers in this class include large stand-alone businesses, restaurants, and mid-sized manufacturers. The energy only rate listed below, which has the demand charge included in the energy charge, is designed for low load factor customers such as churches and low use buildings such as fraternities and lodges.

General Service Demand Electric Rates (Large Commercial)
Rate Class Basic Monthly Charge Demand Rate per kW Energy Rate per kWh  Fuel Rate per kWh Environmental Rate per kWh Total Rate per kWh
General Service Demand
Standard $203.00 $8.40 $0.03313 $0.04670 $0.00 $0.07983
Energy Only  $203.00   $0.07472 $0.04670 $0.00 $0.12142
General Service Demand Time of Day
On Peak $203.00 $8.53 $0.06481 $0.04995 $0.00 $0.11476
Off Peak $203.00 $4.93 $0.02191 $0.04539 $0.00 $0.06730

Plus the following taxes and fees as determined by the city or county:

General Service Demand Electric Fees and Taxes by County
Duval County Atlantic Beach
2.5641% Gross Receipts Tax
3% Franchise Fee 
10% Public Service Tax
8.45% (6.95% + 1.50%) Sales Tax on the first $5,000
6.95% Sales Tax on remaining bill over $5,000
6.5574% Franchise Fee
2.7322% Gross Receipts Tax
5% Public Service Tax
8.45% (6.95% + 1.50%) Sales Tax on the first $5,000,
6.95% Sales Tax on remaining bill over $5,000
Baldwin Clay County
6.5574% Franchise Fee
2.7322% Gross Receipts Tax
10% Public Service Tax
8.45% (6.95% + 1.50%) Sales Tax on the first $5,000,
6.95% Sales Tax on remaining bill over $5,000
6.5574% Franchise Fee
2.7322% Gross Receipts Tax
4% Public Service Tax
8.45% (6.95% + 1.50%) Sales Tax on the first $5,000
6.95% Sales Tax on remaining bill over $5,000
Orange Park St. Johns County
6.5574% Franchise Fee
2.7322% Gross Receipts Tax
8.45% (6.95% + 1.50%) Sales Tax on the first $5,000,
6.95% Sales Tax on remaining bill over $5,000
10% Public Service Tax
2.5641% Gross Receipts Tax
7.45% Sales Tax on the first $5,000
6.95% Sales Tax on remaining bill over $5,000
Accordion Item
Closed Title:General Service Large Demand Electric Rates (Industrial)
Open Text:

Industrial Customers with greater than 1,000 kW demand. This rate is designed for very large commercial and industrial customers. Customers in this class include large, stand-alone retailers and large manufacturers. Contact Commercial Customer Care or your account executive for information about other rates available.

General Service Large Demand Electric Rates (Industrial)
Rate Class Basic Monthly Charge Demand Rate per kW  Energy Rate per kWh Fuel Rate per kWh Environmental Rate per kWh Total Rate per kWh
General Service Large Demand
Standard  $825.00 $0.00 $0.02910 $0.04670 $0.00 $0.07580
General Service Large Demand Time of Day
On Peak $825.00 $0.00 $0.05215 $0.04996 $0.00 $0.10211
Off Peak   $0.00 $0.01915 $0.04544 $0.00 $0.06459

Plus the following taxes and fees as determined by the city or county:

General Service Large Demand Electric Fees and Taxes by County
Duval County Atlantic Beach
2.5641% Gross Receipts Tax
3% Franchise Fee
10% Public Service Tax
8.45% (6.95% + 1.50%) Sales Tax on the first $5,000,
6.95% Sales Tax on remaining bill over $5,000
6.5574% Franchise Fee
2.7322% Gross Receipts Tax
5% Public Service Tax
8.45% (6.95% + 1.50%) Sales Tax on the first $5,000,
6.95% Sales Tax on remaining bill over $5,000
Baldwin Clay County
6.5574% Franchise Fee
2.7322% Gross Receipts Tax
10% Public Service Tax
8.45% (6.95% + 1.50%) Sales Tax on the first $5,000,
6.95% Sales Tax on remaining bill over $5,000
6.5574% Franchise Fee
2.7322% Gross Receipts Tax
4% Public Service Tax
8.45% (6.95% + 1.50%) Sales Tax on the first $5,000
6.95% Sales Tax on remaining bill over $5,000
Orange Park St. Johns County
6.5574% Franchise Fee
2.7322% Gross Receipts Tax
8.45% (6.95% + 1.50%) Sales Tax on the first $5,000,
6.95% Sales Tax on remaining bill over $5,000
10% Public Service Tax
2.5641% Gross Receipts Tax
7.45% Sales Tax on the first $5,000
6.95% Sales Tax on remaining bill over $5,000
Accordion Item
Closed Title:Standby and Supplemental Electric Rate (Larger Commercial/Industrial)
Open Text:

Industrial Customers with greater than 1,000 kW demand. This rate is designed for very large commercial and industrial customers. Customers in this class include large, stand-alone retailers and large manufacturers. Contact Commercial Customer Care or your account executive for information about other rates available.

Standby and Supplemental Electric Rates
Rate Class Basic Monthly Charge Facilities Demand Rate per kW  Supplemental Demand Rate per kW Standby Demand Rate per kW Energy Rate per kWh Fuel Rate per kWh Environmental Rate per kWh Total Rate per kWh
On Peak $203.00 $1.25 $7.28 $1.04 $0.06481 $0.04995 $0.00 $0.11476
Off Peak         $0.02191 $0.04539 $0.00 $0.06730
On Peak $825.00 $0.96 $11.35 $1.62 $0.05215 $0.04996 $0.00 $0.10211
Off Peak         $0.01915 $0.04544 $0.00 $0.06459
Accordion Item
Closed Title:Commercial Water, Sewer and Irrigation Rates
Open Text:
Commercial Water, Sewer and Irrigation Rates
Rate Class Meter Size Basic Monthly Charge kGal per Tier Water Rate per kGal Environmental Rate per kGal
Water ⅝" $13.24 All Usage $3.06 $0.00
  ¾" $17.67      
  1" $26.53      
  1 ½" $48.70      
  2" $75.29      
  3" $159.52      
  4" $270.34      
  6" $602.79      
  8" $713.61      
  10" $1,866.13      
  12" $2,353.73      
Sewer ⅝" $37.08 All Usage $4.88 $0.00
  ¾" $53.43      
  1" $86.14      
  1 ½" $167.90      
  2" $266.03      
  3" $576.74      
  4" $985.58      
  6" $2,212.09      
  8" $2,620.92      
  10" $6,872.82      
  12" $8,671.70      
Potable Irrigation ⅝" $13.24 1-7 $3.49 $0.00
  ¾" $17.67 > 7 $4.69 $0.00
  1" $26.53      
  1 ½" $48.70      
  2" $75.29      
  3" $159.52      
  4" $270.34      
  6" $602.79      
Reclaimed Irrigation ⅝" $12.60 1-14 $3.81 $0.00
  ¾" $18.90 > 14 $4.33 $0.00
  1" $31.50      
  1 ½" $63.00      
  2" $100.80      
  3" $201.60      
  4" $315.00      
  6" $630.00      

For Duval County Customers Only

Plus the following taxes and fees:

  • 3% Franchise Fee on water, sewer and irrigation (but not on reclaimed irrigation)
  • 10% Public Service Tax on water and irrigation

There are no taxes or fees on water, sewer, or irrigation services outside of Duval County.

*An additional $6 per bill is added for reclaimed irrigation service.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:Multi-Family Water, Sewer and Irrigation Rates
Open Text:
Multi-Family Small Meter Sizes Water and Sewer
Rate Class Meter Size Basic Monthly Charge
Water (Small Meters) ⅝" $13.24
  ¾" $17.67
Sewer (Small Meters) ⅝" $15.86
  ¾" $21.61


Multi-Family Small Meter Sizes Water and Sewer
Rate Class kGal per Tier Rate per kGal Environmental Rate per kGal
  1-4 $1.34 $0.00
  5-8 $2.99 $0.00
  9-15 $5.13 $0.00
  >15 $6.45 $0.00
  All Usage $4.88 $0.00

Multi-Family Large Meter Sizes Water and Sewer
Rate Class Meter Size Basic Monthly Charge kGal per Tier Water Rate per kGal Environmental Rate per kGal
Water (Large Meters) 1" $51.93 All Usage $2.47 $0.00 
  2" $156.55      
  3" $337.26      
  4" $575.04      
  6" $1,288.39      
  8" $1,526.17      
  10" $3,999.08      
  12" $5,045.32      
Sewer (Large Meters) 1" $79.69 All Usage $4.88 $0.00
  1½" $155.01      
  2" $245.39      
  3" $531.60      
  4" $908.20      
  6" $2,037.98      
  8" $2,414.57      
  10" $6,331.15      
  12" $7,988.16      


Multi-Family Irrigation Rates
Rate Class Meter Size Basic Monthly Charge kGal per Tier Water Rate per kGal Environmental Rate per kGal
Potable Irrigation ⅝" $13.24 1-7 $3.49 $0.00
  ¾" $17.67 > 7 $4.69 $0.00
  1" $26.53      
  1½" $48.70      
  2" $75.29      
  3" $159.52      
  4" $270.34      
  6" $602.79      
Reclaimed Irrigation ⅝" $12.60 1-14 $3.81 $0.00
  ¾" $18.90 > 14 $4.33 $0.00
  1" $31.50      
  1½" $63.00      
  2" $100.80      
  3" $201.60      
  4" $315.00      
  6" $630.00      

For Duval County Customers Only

Plus the following taxes and fees:

  • 3% Franchise Fee on water, sewer and irrigation (but not on reclaimed irrigation)
  • 10% Public Service Tax on water and irrigation

There are no taxes or fees on water, sewer, or irrigation services outside of Duval County.

*An additional $6 per bill is added for reclaimed irrigation service.

Accordion Item
Closed Title:District Energy System Rates
Open Text:

The district energy system provides customers with chilled water for air conditioning. 

Chilled Water Rates (effective Oct. 1, 2022)    
Demand Charge    
Hogan's Creek  $38.90  Ton 
Downtown $35.40  Ton 
Springfield $33.30  Ton 
Commodity Charge*
  $0.11062 Ton Hr. 
Consumption Charge**
  $0.05122 Ton Hr.


*Monthly adjustment
**Annual CPI Increase


Rate Options

  • SolarSmart
    JEA SolarSmart gives residential and business customers who do not have solar panels an option to benefit from solar energy and to demonstrate their commitment to improving the environment. 
  • SolarMax (Closed to New Customers)
    Through JEA SolarMax, large commercial customers can choose to have up to 100 percent of their business’s energy needs met by solar power. 

Understanding Commercial Electric Rates

When talking with commercial customers about their utility bill, the conversation inevitably leads to a discussion about rates. Although the rates are important, the bill is predominantly tied to the facility’s consumption, rather than the rate.
Learn About Commercial Electric Rates

Tariff Schedules

JEA’s tariffs cover rising operating costs, as well as the rising construction costs of replacing and refurbishing aging utility infrastructure. All tariffs are approved by JEA’s board of directors and filed with the Public Service Commission in Tallahassee.

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